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Feeling uneasy and overwhelmed about my new experience

helloOrange2643 November 24th, 2023

Hi guys...

Have you ever found urself in a situation where you had to adjust to a new environment? How did you handle it?

magicalTree4461 November 24th, 2023

@helloOrange2643 Hello, have you found yourself in a new environment? It can be difficult to adjust to these sometimes. I have gone through many new physical and social environments in my life- feel free to ask any questions you may have ☺️

helloOrange2643 OP November 25th, 2023

@magicalTree4461 yes, it's confusing and overwhelming. Meeting new people is daunting.

How did u manage to do it?

magicalTree4461 November 25th, 2023

I am just curious and openminded. I usually look for new experiences because I enjoy them and enjoy learning.

TheSweetNight November 25th, 2023

For me, it's about moving to a new school. I moved to a middle school in another state almost almost 3 years ago... The culture here is different and the quality of the school is unexpectedly kind of worse than the school that I used to go to. The schedules are not as tidy, the psychological help isn't actively helping the students, and the friends here ussuallz gossip instead of being straightforward with me. I am currently handling it by being friends with someone who don't gossip, and my mom is trying to get me organized. How about you? Are you doing okay?

helloOrange2643 OP November 25th, 2023

I can relate to you.. I've had similar experience when I was in school. When I was transferred to new school, it took time to adjust to a new place and new people. As the days passed I found people who were kind and loving... So school was not that bad. U just gotta be patient when it comes to making friends.

TheSweetNight November 25th, 2023

For me, it's about moving to a new school. I moved to a middle school in another state almost almost 3 years ago... The culture here is different and the quality of the school is unexpectedly kind of worse than the school that I used to go to. The schedules are not as tidy, the psychological help isn't actively helping the students, and the friends here ussuallz gossip instead of being straightforward with me. I am currently handling it by being friends with someone who don't gossip, and my mom is trying to get me organized. How about you? Are you doing okay?

wonderousCat8240 November 25th, 2023

I moved to an entirely new country!

I was studying at first and having a really hard time adjusting to it. I dont think I ever succeeded in adjusting, but I did survive. I thought I’d be moving back to my home country after studying, but I somehow ended up staying here to work. That was hard too because I already wasn’t good at socialising back home, let alone in a completely new environment 😅 I’ve gotten better over the years and my one takeaway from this is no matter what shape your in, just surviving is 100% an achievement worth celebrating!!!!

helloOrange2643 OP November 25th, 2023

Yeah... It's tough but we gotta do it somehow 🤍

wonderousCat8240 November 27th, 2023

@helloOrange2643  and be kind to ourselves too! Much easier said than done, but we get better with practice :)