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Coping Techniques and Resources From Me & The Community Part 1

User Profile: sellistens
sellistens July 4th, 2023

Coping Techniques and Resources From Me & The Community Part 1

Hi there,

Today I wanted to share with you some of my coping techniques that I think are the most beneficial for me right now and I'll share some resources that have helped me.

Before I start, I want to ask you to think of some resources/coping techniques that you know. Feel free to share it in this thread. You can also share one coping technique from me or someone in the community that you found helpful.

#1 For Anxiety or Stress: Vagus Nerve Restimulation and Meditation

The vagus nerve is responsible for controlling your "fight or flight" system which for some is the cause of anxiety. To restimulate it means that you are basically shocking it back to a neutral state. This is NOT painful and actually is quite relaxing. I suggest meditating first. First way to do it is to place your hand at the back of your neck and the other on the forehead. Lightly touch those two areas while meditating. The second way is to take cold showers. This helps because it is stimulating your vagus nerve in an environment that you know is safe. Another way is to pull on your ears because the vagus nerve runs through there. The last way I will show you is if you massage the sides of your neck because the vagus nerve is right underneath those muscles. If you would like to know more you can pm me or there is a lot of things on google that explains this technique.

#2 For Depression: Savouring and Gratitude

I have experienced both depression and anxiety in my life. I know how hard it is to do this when your depressed but trust me when I tell you getting up and ready for the day might be the hardest thing somedays but it is also the best thing for you. Do something small and just be in that moment. Journaling how it smells, looks, feels, hears is very beneficial too. Do this for at least 7 days (it doesn't have to be super consistently but its best if you try to. Dont get upset if you cant do a streak just be patient with yourself). Also, write three small things you did that day that your happy about or grateful for. This can help a lot.

#3 For Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder: Mood Tracking

I know this seems like a small thing, but it really does go a long way. Mood tracking can help you recognize the patterns in your mood to see if you are having manic symptoms or depression symptoms. This is also good for anyone who wants to see correlations in mood or to better understand what makes them happy. There is a tracker that I use called Mood Flow. It is a free app that let's you track your mood and write what happened in that day along with checking off possible symptoms you might think you're having. At the end of the month you can see how your mood changed through a line graph.

Here's the link:

A Resource: A Free Course (that rhymed)

I also wanted to share with you a resource that has helped me. It is a free online Yale course called The Science Of Wellbeing. It has helped me find many many coping techniques.

Here's the link:

Questions For You:

Which coping technique helped you the most? (Can be from the main thread or other people's comments).

What are your go to coping mechanisms or resources?

User Profile: Optimisticempath
Optimisticempath July 5th, 2023


oh I heard about the course from Yale but couldn't find motivation to go through ๐Ÿ˜… ill maybe check it out again! Thanks for this robust list of helpful tips and resources ๐Ÿ’•