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D4n1ell4 September 21st

Its me again, you might recognise me from my last post of me admitting the bad things i did and wanting to change. But recently I have been doing good because of the endless support i received from you guys so thanks a lot.

What I mean by the title is that now my former friends are posting about me on their story labelling me as a back stabber and a snake which i cant say anything about since i did hurt them. But I still dont feel so good about them posting those things since it makes me feel extremely guilty and lowers my mood overall. Im not sure if I even have a right to talk about their posts targeted towards me after all i did but still its not a nice feeling. I want to know what I can do to get my mind off of that and focus more and improving myself. I really appreciate your help.

toughTiger6481 September 21st


Former friends by name alone show they are not really a credible source of truth. If they want to call people names on their social posts that is them wanting to vent. if you are worried others might believe them then those who take sides from a post were not or are not good friend material. 

real friends hear both sides and then make decisions not judging by posts... the whole thing is to tick you off do not give them the satisfaction .... in the end they look petty. 

D4n1ell4 OP September 21st

but i was in thetoxic one in the relationship tho, doesnt that mean they can say wtv they want?

toughTiger6481 September 21st


Just let it go you did things they chose to add to a situation even though i am assuming you said you were improving yourself.   People CAN and DO say all kinds of things on posts does not make it right or reasonable. 

be the bigger person and let their petty go 

oldmemories September 21st

@D4n1ell4 it's really brave of you to face what you’ve done and work toward being better. change isn’t easy, especially when the past still lingers. i get why those posts would sting—they remind you of everything you’re trying to leave behind. guilt has a way of weighing down even the best intentions.

but you have every right to feel hurt by it, even if you’ve made mistakes. healing isn’t about punishing yourself forever. it’s about moving forward, one step at a time. don’t let those words pull you back into who you were. you’re allowed to focus on your growth, to find peace in the progress you’ve made. keep holding on to that. your journey is yours, and no one else can take that from you.
Tinywhisper11 September 22nd

@D4n1ell4 🙁 I wish somehow you could just have a new start, you deserve kindness and love, not people trying to drag you down, I'm sorry that's happening sweetie🙁 however them posting nasty things about you in the internet is actually slander, and that's a police matter if you want to go down that road ❤ I'm glad your getting lots of support here. You see the people in your school, are not mature enough to realise you want to change your ways. Is there any way you could change schools?

D4n1ell4 OP September 22nd

sadly i cannot since my parents think i can just ignore them and they think the school im in right now is good already

Emberlin111 September 22nd

Hey! I didn't see your previous post but I've been in a very similar situation. I made a few selfish mistakes a few years ago, and it costed me a lot of friends. Yes, they talked a lot of crap about me, both behind my back and to my face. The guilt ate me up inside for weeks, and lingered for months.

Now, skip forward present day, and none of it even scratches the surface of bothering me anymore. I've made new friends, and I'm even closer now than I was before with some of those old ones. Most importantly, I've learned a lot about myself, and I've become somebody I'm proud of rather than ashamed of. So, my best advice is this:

-You already saw where you went wrong, and you feel guilty about it. That's good! It means you have empathy. You're just also human, and as a human, you're bound to make mistakes here and there. What matters now is just learning from it. Learn why you did it, and what things you can do moving forward to not do it again.

-As for people talking bad about you, they have every right to. If you haven't apologized, then you should if you're able to. If you did apologize, or when/if you do, and if they don't/haven't forgive(n) you...then it's okay. Nobody owes you their forgiveness except for one person. That person is yourself. I promise it will all be okay as long as you forgive yourself.

I know this is really hard, and it might take some time, but I mean it. Forgive yourself. You did something dumb, and everyone does at some point in their life. It too will pass as long as you let it. Don't let it eat you inside forever. The only true way to move on is to first forgive yourself.

-Once you learn to forgive yourself, the rest starts to become easier. You're able to give yourself more grace and kindness. I know there's that little voice inside of you telling you that you don't deserve any kindness anymore, but don't listen to it. You do.

We can't change the past, but do not let your past, do not let that situation--which is only about 0.002% of your entire life--define the rest of your life. You will meet new people. Maybe in time some of the people you once were friends with you'll click with again. Whatever the case, I promise that this doesn't define who you are entirely. No matter what they say. It will only make you stronger. You will grow so much from this. You will look back at this with so much love for your younger self. You are learning. You are experiencing life. That is all it is. You can get through this. Just be gentle with yourself.

At the end of the day, whoever still hates you and whoever loves you doesn't matter if you don't show up for you. Keep going. ð©·

WeeCuppaTea September 22nd

It's best to block them and cut contact with them. Unfortunately, you can't control what they post about you, but you can control your reaction. If they have named you in their post, you can report it on social media as abusive, which hopefully means it gets taken down by the admins.

I don't know what exactly happened, but they seem toxic and unwilling to forgive.

Maslow September 22nd

Here if you need someone to talk to

annadaisy50749 September 22nd


isnt that like bullying tho?
i mean sure u did hurt them but that doesnt make it okay...i think u need to have a serious talk with what they r doing does good to nobody...

and also stay strong. dont go back to old ways

-lots of love n support,

powerfulPapaya5589 September 24th

@D4n1ell4  Seeing physical evidence of harm caused put out in to the world must really feel like a setback :(

are they mentioning you by name?

D4n1ell4 OP September 24th

luckily not but they are like putting my name as in D_____a so people knew its me

powerfulPapaya5589 September 25th

@D4n1ell4 oh, ok- I only ask because if they were it may have been against school policy.

do you think trying to avoid these posts would be possible/helpful?

amicableox0685 September 25th


The Bible and governmental laws play in your defense...