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Being Gaslighted

User Profile: Shorttimer
Shorttimer September 2nd, 2024

Hello all, 

Have you ever been gaslighted by someone you loved? In all my past relationships I am constantly Having this issue. Is it something with boys? Or girls do it too? How to make them understand that they have done wrong to me... Stop trying to make me feel worst all the time. Its not me always!  Com'on.... am frustrated. 😖

User Profile: pixiemoog8
pixiemoog8 September 2nd, 2024

ive Been gaslighted, you can get gaslit by women too

this other girl gaslit me ti make her so called best friend to be bad, instead of even trying to support or talk to me she threw me under the bus told everyone things I didn’t want them to know about anf never bothered to even talk to me about it and then she blankmsiled me through a personal friend. To this day I still habnt spoke to.

User Profile: competentTruth3079
competentTruth3079 September 14th, 2024

@Shorttimer Gaslights be flickering, important to as ourselves if our relationship is worth the manipulation, or if it's time to cut the lights and split.

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User Profile: fairmindedBeechwood7523
fairmindedBeechwood7523 September 14th, 2024

Worth the manipulation? 🤔 I question what you mean, I'm sure you mean to leave when the relationship gets bad. I hope your not stating there's a time where a relationship is worth keeping even with manipulation?

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User Profile: fairmindedBeechwood7523
fairmindedBeechwood7523 September 14th, 2024

I feel the thing about gaslighting and the people who do it are not ever trying to see things your way so I find the effort to make them see what they are doing is too costly of an effort to make it worth it but also it would be a waste of yourself since it won't work. Everybody does it though. You've done it, I've done it, everybody at one point in their lives have done this. It is a mistake to make but a common one. The best thing to do is to leave those people behind, especially in the end, since it will end anywho. Asking yourself if you've ever been in the wrong is a good thing. It will help you see any part of you or your life that might need attention or change. When in doubt of another, my best statement is to think of yourself like you would think of a loved one. If the other is not doing the mutual same then it's time to talk or walk. Never feel like you'll never find more people, because you will!

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User Profile: OhLookItsRay
OhLookItsRay September 19th, 2024

I love this. ❤️ this is a really compassionate response.

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User Profile: CatListener
CatListener September 14th, 2024

Yes. I have been. Very sorry to hear that. It hurts being hurt by someone you love. Sending hugs!

User Profile: OhLookItsRay
OhLookItsRay September 19th, 2024

I've been gaslit before.

It hurts to have your reality denied. To be told that things didn't happen when you remember them clearly.

I was gaslit by my foster mother. I think she was just feeling shame... I don't know.

Sometimes, people feel like they can't take accountability for their actions. Shame, guilt... not knowing how to properly deal with those emotions... and they deny that it happened because of the shame surrounding admitting that it did. Many reasons for gaslighting. Not all of them malicious. You sound young.

It is never any one person's fault 100% of the time. Every human makes mistakes. Some have the courage to own up to their mistakes, and some don't... and. It sucks. For lack of better words.

None of them have anything to do with you, though, and aren't a reflection on your worth as an individual.

User Profile: Onyx000
Onyx000 September 19th, 2024

It’s so hard to be gaslight . I have and it makes me feel I’m crazy . What helps you stay grounded ?