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Am I a bad person for this?

I am forgetful.

It isn't any condition I struggle with, but it is something I deal with every day. I just have so much in my head that I easily forget little things I need to do.

So, a few days ago my father fell and dislocated his arm (his dominant arm). He went to the hospital, and the doctor told him to wear an arm sling for around 2 weeks, for the arm to heal.

He doesn't wear the sling. He prefers not to.

One day, while my mother and I were at school (she teaches there), he messaged the both of us saying that his arm has dislocated again.

Since my mother wasn't checking her texts, I told him she was unavailable. He didn't reply me, and I didn't feel that this was a big medical emergency (he certainly didn't really act so when we arrived home).

When we were driving home, I forgot to tell her that he had dislocated his arm.

On arriving, he found out that I hadn't told her about his arm. I understand why he got mad, but I don't really feel guilty about it after he started insulting me.

He accused me of being vain and selfish, and that I only care for myself, and nobody else. He repeatedly attacked me with these accusations, until I stormed up to my room.

I heard him and my mother discussing if he should go to the hospital. They eventually did.

Now his arm is worse and he needs to wear his sling for a month without removing it.

That was yesterday, now he still shows me bitterness. He tries to assert that this is his house and he can do what he wants.

I may be a bad person in thinking this but I wish that his arm is permanently weakened, as it is his dominant arm. Weakened in the sense that he is still independent, but cannot hit things with as much force/ease as before.

I wish this on him because he scared me in the past. On a few occasion, he has hit me before; but not hard enough to actually bruise me. There are also times when I locked my bedroom door, just to hear him beat it while yelling at me to let him in.

This scared me, I still feel scared when I see him at least somewhat angry.

However, not anymore. His dominant arm is injured and he cannot do that anymore.

Am I a bad person for forgetting him? Am I a bad person for wishing harm on him? Please, I want to know.

MakingANicknameIsHard OP June 20th

Now he acts like nothing happened.

I'm just confused and somewhat hurt right now, please can I have another person's opinion on this?

akunknown June 20th


I live with people who behave the same way your dad did with you. They never hit me but they’re abusive in non physical ways with me. They make all these accusations about me. But then pretend like nothing happened and when asked or confronted about it they pretend like they don’t know or they deny it. 

About forgetting, no you’re definitely not a bad person at all for forgetting to tell your mom about your dad’s condition. Does he know when your mom’s done working for the day? If so then he could’ve called or messaged or voice messaged her and/or you after you both were done for the day. But he contacted before that time came which is why he didn’t get an answer which was his mistake, not anyone else’s. 

About wishing harm on your dad, idk. Some people will say he’s your dad/part of your family and you shouldn’t wish harm on others for any reason. But based on what I read, it appears as if that wish is justified. 

However when you’re older and/or when your dad is gone, you may regret and even feel guilty for wishing that and wished you could “un-wish” that wish which you can’t. How do you honestly feel you’ll feel about this wish once he’s not around anymore? 

When I was younger I wished harm on anyone who did anything wrong to me or anyone I cared about. But once I got older I stopped wishing things like that on anyone and instead stood up for myself when I realized it was a waste of time bc nothing beneficial was happening or things were getting worse I walked away. 

MakingANicknameIsHard OP June 25th

Thank you for your message, you really reassured me about what happened

Things are going smoother now, but I doubt that things will change with them

Plus, I'm sorry to hear about the people you live with, you don't deserve it either and it can make this terrible feeling inside 🙁 I also hope for you to find a better place ❤️