7Cups Dashboard Not Working
I’ve been struggling with an issue on the 7Cups Dashboard and I’m not sure what’s going on or where to ask for help. I’ve been trying to complete the 3 activities, but the circle at the top doesn't show as completed. Additionally, when I refresh the page or return to it later, the progress resets. Has anyone else experienced this? I’d appreciate any advice or solutions!
hey! is the dashboard still giving you trouble?
@Heather225 yes, it's still working. I've tried deleting cookies, signing out and back in. Nothing seems to be working
meant to say "still not working"
That's definitely no good! Will you please send in a support ticket so the team can take a closer look?
here's the link: https://help.7cups.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/
@Astralboy It has been doing the same thing to me for months. I just quit doing it.
Sorry to hear your dash is busted too! If you can send in a support ticket for the team to investigate, we can get to the bottom of it. Here's the link: https://help.7cups.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/
@Heather225 I submitted a bug report.
Thank you for reaching out. I will try and refresh it first and then if you are still having the same problem reporter as a issue you can report it at the top of your page on the right hand corner where it says your username. There's a dialog box that will come down and it will have logout or other options. Hope you get it sorted out soon and happy New year
i don’t have this dashboard it must be a member one not listener one maybe ?
correct - it's a member side feature!
Thank you Heather