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Need a hug? Free hug here!

GratitudeOverGreed September 8th, 2014

Sometimes a little things can make change in one life. One hug could release all the pain that burden one person. So free hug here. *hug*

LostGirl2459 January 6th, 2016

I'm a depressed person in general I'm bipolar I lived a very abusive life and I self harm.... Recently I thought I had the best person to be helping me threw this... But he fell in love with me which was perfect but we can't be together so it really hurts... My life is already sh!t I don't need it to be worst!!! So yes I need a hug and if anybody has advice to get over him I would love some... I still see him everyday which is what makes it hard!

c6210 January 7th, 2016



Koriin January 7th, 2016



I kinda know what you're going through.... there's this girl tht... i like... abd... she's been through a lot... i just... cant stop thinking about her. like... she wants me to get over her but... I cant stop thinking about her. (btw... i dont think i'm the guy you're talking about.... just saying. I'm after someone else...)

*hugs more*

bleubellejune January 9th, 2016

@LostGirl2459 *huggg* I can somewhat relate to that. I couldn't say it gets better with time as it differs with every person and situation. So, all I can really do is give you a hug and hope for the best.

Heartland3012 January 10th, 2016

@LostGirl2459 *tight hug*. I know what you're going through...

c6210 January 9th, 2016

My roommate/used to be close friend apparently planned a hang out and seems to have invited our whole friend group except me. Maybe I'm wrong but this seems to be the case, and I'm really angry with her and could use a hug.

DancingAlong January 9th, 2016



Feeling left out (and being left out) feel just terrible. Have some more hugs *hugs hugs hugs*.

c6210 January 10th, 2016


Thank you <3

Heartland3012 January 10th, 2016

@c6210 Here's one from me... A tight one!

Alone2myself January 10th, 2016

I really needed this just now. Thank you!

DancingAlong January 13th, 2016


*hugs hugs hugs*


Heartland3012 January 10th, 2016

I'm sad, confused, conflicted and often feel lonely, despite everyone being around.

I could really use a hug.

DancingAlong January 13th, 2016


So sorry to hear that you're struggling right now.



Heartland3012 January 18th, 2016

@DancingAlong Thank you DancingAlong...

c6210 January 13th, 2016

I would really appreciate a hug. I'm worried my therapist dislikes me, feel depressed in general and right now things seem pointless.

amazingRainfall28 January 15th, 2016


*huge tight hugs* feeling so low can effect how we perceive others think of us but if your therapist does show any negative feelings that would be very unprofessional. Please try to keep in mind that feeling so low can blind us from the point but you matter and your wellbeing is important. *hugs*

January 15th, 2016

Anytime you see just give me a hug. just hug me tight!

amazingRainfall28 January 15th, 2016

@Fear333 *giving you a tight hug*

lavenderMango5157 January 15th, 2016

Could definitely use one... After 18 years of marraige and hurt, I am making to decision to leave my husband. It hurts to know the negative things he will say about me but I can't handle not being able to trust someone i love... I really feel bad for my kids:(

amazingRainfall28 January 15th, 2016


*comforting hugs and compassion being sent your way*change can be so hard, but it sounds like your trying to make things better for you and thats very brave. I'm so glad your reaching out for support during this tough time. *hugs*

c6210 January 26th, 2016

I did get a hug from my friend but I worry she didn't want to continue hugging me as long as i wanted to hug her and I just want to hug and cuddle someone (like platonically) for hours and I already miss hugging her so much even though it was like about 20-30 minutes ago.

Blueberryblitzz January 26th, 2016

I always feel alone even though I'm around my friends all the time :( I could really use a hug

c6210 January 26th, 2016


I feel like this sometimes too. I'm sorry you feel this way :(


Blueberryblitzz February 4th, 2016

@c6210 I just feel unappreciated all the time and it really sucks I'm always 2nd choice ;-(

lazyKatz January 26th, 2016

Tuesday HUGS for everyone

braveKitten4951 January 26th, 2016

I'm getting manic, I'm seeing the demons of depression. I'm taking my meds, but the mess in my head is getting louder

Please hug me and tell me that you will ride out the storm with me

carefreePerspective39 January 26th, 2016


Huge for you! :) there are people who think of you

braveKitten4951 January 27th, 2016


Thank you, thank you

Compassion and caring are what I need so much

carefreePerspective39 January 26th, 2016

Hug for good night for everyone who is going to sleep now :)

Sleep well :)

braveKitten4951 January 27th, 2016


You too. Me and my teddy are snuggling down with the cats and my dog

January 27th, 2016

Hug me. Pray for my well being on these forums

braveKitten4951 January 27th, 2016


I will include you in my prayers tonight. I will pray that your name changes from Fear333 to NoFear333

January 27th, 2016

@braveKitten4951. O_o.

carefreePerspective39 January 27th, 2016


Thank you! smiley

lazyKatz January 28th, 2016

Thursday HUGS to everyone xx

BlackRoseImmortal February 4th, 2016

@lazyKatz hugs everywhere

defatbroad February 14th, 2016

@lazyKatz Thank you. I needed one. Cathy.

WhiteKitty January 29th, 2016

I could really do with a hug. The past week has been pretty tough. I feel like I've taken so many steps backwards and lost all the ground that I'd made, and now I have to start all over again.

TrulyMee February 6th, 2016

@WhiteKitty <(^.^)> *Hugs* I hope everything works out. Stay strong ok. God Bless you! 💙

Koriin January 29th, 2016

I need... well... i need so many hugs right now... my girlfriend... i found out last night... has terminal lung cancer...