Need a hug? Free hug here!
Sometimes a little things can make change in one life. One hug could release all the pain that burden one person. So free hug here. *hug*
Yes ... please? I understand the reasons behind this "social distancing" thing, but for just me? I pretty much hate the idea. Have you all heard of the book(s) "The Five Love Languages"? Well, physical touch is tied for #1 for me. So all this being home and alone and more being home and alone - and can't even go to church??! :( This Platy is very sad, very.
7cups helps, especially 1-1 chats and discussions like in the group rooms, but it is totally not the same.
Anyone? Hugs, please? ~ Platy
@cyanPlatypus6370- I agree- being alone and social distancing- like we might be contaminated is a strange feeling. Hard to motivate today to start tasks I detest. At least I am healthy- HUGS to you. I'll give a couple for you to my horses.
@barncat - Awwwhhh - good idea! Thank you :) and a few hugs for you too, dear barncat :) Stay well! It is hard, but perhaps each time I think about being physically alone (and not sick!), or feeling lonely or ... something else about this COVID that makes me want to go GRRRRR ... what if we start a thankfulness book? So every time I feel super lonely, I would write down 2 things I am thankful for at that specific moment.
For example: right at this moment, I am very thankful for the apartment I rent. I have a place of my own to live and with the expected rain, freezing rain, ice, and snow (what???) we are forecast to receive here in the next two days - yes, I am very thankful to have my own apartment. Secondly, at this precise moment, I am thankful I do not have to get up in the morning at some super early time and go to work or an appointment or somewhere. It is really late right now, such that if I planned to get 8 hours of sleep and fell asleep in the next 2 minutes ... I would wake up at 11:30 am Yikes! Good night, dear cat and cat's horses and children :) ~ Platy
@cyanPlatypus6370 Hugs
I do!
@Sedtzl *sends you some hugs*
@Sedtzl Hugs
I'd really love an actual hug right now.
I'll settle for virtual hugs for the time being.
6 months single, after the break up of a 4 year relationship, I finally feel ready to search for love again.
This lockdown is getting in the way of that though. So I can only imagine.
But I feel like I desperately need human touch.
@SilverbackTiger- a big virtual hug to you. Maybe now is a time to go deep inside ourselves (I don't know where that came from) HUGS
@barncat Thank you very much! *Big bear hug* sent your way too! And yes, you are absolutely right - now is the perfect time for deep reflection and inner work; soul searching. Thank you.
@barncat Hugs
Happy April 1st
Thank You for this Group hug.... I think you also deserve a best hug..
@juliak1968 Hugs
Yes, that hug was for you
You too!
@juliak1968 Hugs