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An Extensive List of Healthy Distractions (& Self-Love Techniques)

melonMeloncholy November 7th, 2016

This list includes coping techniques for both in-the-moment stress and long-term challenges, with self-love suggestions, as well as healthy distractions, and grounding techniques, all of which have been compiled from various 7cups Self-Help guides and other 7cups resources. Reference links for more reading are at the bottom of this post.

Only you will know which things will be helpful for you to do, and in which circumstances, and that's okay.

Please add your own healthy distractions and self-love techniques to this list for other people to be inspired!


- Placing something cool on your face and thinking about how it feels, its texture, &c

- Putting your feet firmly on the ground and thinking about how the ground feels on your bare feet, ie: grassy, warm, smooth, wooden, rough

- Focusing on someone's voice and how it wavers up and down naturally during a conversation

- Naming five things you can see in the room, followed by four things you can feel in the room, followed by three things you can hear in or near a room, followed by two things you can smell in a room, followed by one good thing about yourself

- Tasting something for the first time, by slowly placing it in your mouth, feeling the texture and the temperature thoroughly, chewing slowly, and enjoying to the last swallow.

- Smelling the neighborhood by taking a walk, and recognizing all the fragrances that drift your way, from freshly mowed grass, to flowers, to gasoline

- Reorienting yourself by asking yourself what year it is, what season it is, how many more months to your next birthday, &c

- Writing yourself a letter to read a year later

- Drawing, painting, designing, coding, &c

- Doing paper mache, collages, sculpting, &c

- Trying to draw yourself in MS Paint

- Reading anything (a book, poem, article, &c)

- Writing anything (a letter, poem, book, &c)

- Planning a soundtrack like your life was a film

- Making and flying a kite

- Creating a secret code, handshake, language

- Imagining alternate endings to stories

- Starting a collection or scrapbook

- Visiting interesting websites, forums, &c

- Going on a picnic

- Designing a cartoon character or superhero

- Listing your achievements (short/long-term)

- Reflecting on how Ive improved

- Remembering a more difficult time from the past and how you are not in that more difficult situation anymore

- Holding a pilllow, stuffed animal, blanket, or ball

- Thinking about pleasant events

- Taking a silly photo of yourself

- Taking photos of random objects

- Listening to expressive music or singing

- Remembering how strong you are: you're still here!

- Acting, dancing, or playing an instrument

- Looking at old photos, old personal poems, art, or expressions

- Playing a game, sports, or puzzles

- Learning to play a new game

- Learn a new skill (juggling, baloon animals)

- Washing your car, bike, or pet outside

- Looking outside the window

- Recognzing and accepting your feelings or urges, and then choosing a color or two in your mind to represent them

- Sitting/lying in the sun

- Watching people, birds, clouds, stars

- Taking a walk

- Making a list of tasks/landmarks

- Making plans for the future

- Enjoying aromatherapy (candles, incense, &c)

- Finishing something

- Scheduling a day to do nothing at all

- Wearing nice clothes around the house

- Thinking Im a good person

- Watching TV on mute to imagine dialogue

- Going to an arcade or playground

- Volunteering, joining a class, joining a group

- Rearranging your furniture, cleaning

- Listening to the rain

- Listening to guided meditations or mindfulness exercises

- Cooking, baking, and/or finding a new recipe

- Drinking a favorite beverage

- Eating a favorite snack

- Solving riddles/puzzles

- Repairing something

- Getting a massage, haircut, going to a sauna

- Listing why you deserve good things

- Listing things you value and things you do not value

- Imagining what career you would pursue if you knew you could succeed

- Imagining what, if anything, you would say or do if you knew nothing would stop you an dthere would be no consequences

- Having a fun mock argument, debate or pretend heated discussion with a friend or stuffed animal that ends in hugs.

- Talking with a friend

- Listening to others who need help

- Meeting or having lunch with a friend

- Helping a friend cope

- Going to a party

- Making a gift for someone

- Meditating, yoga, practicing deep breathing

- Taking a warm bath

- Remembering beautiful scenery and sounds

- Gardening and/or arranging flowers

- Naming and taking care of neighborhood plants

- Exercising or dancing

- Allowing yourself a good cry with a pillow or blanket

- Listing things you're thankful for

- Counting backward from 100 and trying to remember where you lose count. Try to beat your own record. How many times can you count backward from 100 without losing your count?

- Listening to the brag of your own heart: I am, I am, I am.

- Watching a movie, tv, clips, bloopers, &c

- Enjoying a silent moment


- Pleasurable Activities Exercise (Fulton State Hospital, p. 56)




LonelyAngels November 7th, 2016

@melonMeloncholy its a beautiful blastful suggestive methods you have here! Im pretty sure it could help many listeners or members as well <3 thank you for doing this in here! spreading love is the best! THANK YOU SO MUCHlaughheartyes!

Isaac November 7th, 2016

Great post!! @melonMeloncholy

Tagging a few - @PoliteOcean @Anomalia @DancingAlong @InnocentSoul123 @Matildah @Mila0913 @TealPapaya5 @Nagisa @AffyAvo @BridgetAileen @HalliwellSister @NeWoman @SMLHappy

melonMeloncholy OP November 7th, 2016

@Isaac - thank you! I really hope it grows into a huge list of infinite possibilites and options!

DancingAlong November 8th, 2016


Thanks for tagging me! This is awesome :)

BridgetAileen November 8th, 2016

@Isaac, thanks so much for tagging me. Definitely a post I can refer to myriads of times.
@melonMeloncholy, what a superb post. Thanks for taking the time to write all of this out. It will be so helpful.

PoliteOcean November 9th, 2016


Thanks for the Tag Isaac! :)

melonMeloncholy OP November 7th, 2016

. . .

Making train, plane, car or animal noises.

Naming three funny things that happened recently.

. . .

(I'm going to keep adding to this thread when I think of something new too!)

Zed786 November 22nd, 2016


omg! Ive done the plane, train, animal noises forever haha!

Hopeful0001 November 7th, 2016


Nice post! Thanks for sharing.

melonMeloncholy OP November 9th, 2016

Thank you for the support everyone! Here's another grounding technique someone told me about offline today:

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Trying to find each indvidual color of the rainbow by looking at the objects around you.

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melonMeloncholy OP November 12th, 2016

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- Exploring another route to a common place.

- Starting a fun file of all of the compliments or great testimonials you receive.

- Choosing three articles of clothing to donate to charity.

. . .

Resource: Hope Newsletter (November 2016) (Thanks!)

secretTree5886 November 24th, 2016

@melonMeloncholy This post has helped me a lot!

melonMeloncholy OP November 25th, 2016

@secretTree5886 Thank you for saying so! I'm glad to hear that!

melonMeloncholy OP December 7th, 2016

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- Imaging telling your child-self positive things children should hear.

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melonMeloncholy OP December 12th, 2016

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- Hiding several supportive messages on notes to discover later

- Squeezing a stress ball, rubbing a worry stone, snapping a rubber band

- Remembering the last great joke you heard; witing or finding a new joke

- Making a list of things you can control and things you can't control

- Playing games with lists, like: list all colors you can think of without repeating

- Enjoying an internet-free, phone-free hour.

- Creating a fun distractions or alternatives box with fun things, candy, self-love letters, &c

- Creatting a short list of healthy things to do before following an unhealthy urge

- Blowing bubbles, popping bubble wrap

- Fantasizing about having a celebrity love affair

- Renaming animals at the zoo

- Drawing butterflies or nice things on yourself or asking a friend to draw one on you

- Determining where a pattern starts and ends in wallpaper, fabric

- Counting ceiling tiles, floor tiles, or lights in a room

- Trying to make as many words as possible from your full name (anagrams)

. . .

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- and

melonMeloncholy OP December 14th, 2016

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- Writing happy events on notes in a Happiness Jar; read the notes after one year

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melonMeloncholy OP December 22nd, 2016

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- Choosing a letter and thinking of all the words that begin or end with it.

- Saying the alphabet backwards or alternate letters and numbers, like A1, B2, C3...

- Thinking of as many types of objects as possible in a given category, like dogs, cities, sports...

- Counting up to 100 by prime numbers or perfect squares

- Describing in great detail an every day process, thoroughly listing all steps in order

- Digging in the dirt, jumping in a pile of leaves or snowbank, splashing in puddles or mud

- Playing fizz-buzz, counting up but with all 5s as "fizz" and 7s as "buzz", 1-2-3-4-fizz-6-buzz-8-9...

. . .

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melonMeloncholy OP February 5th, 2017

- Counting brush strokes, footsteps, or other parts of every-day activities

melonMeloncholy OP February 17th, 2017

- Reviewing and participating in a list of things to be happy about, from small to silly:

melonMeloncholy OP February 25th, 2017

- Enjoying a music box or snowglobe

- Tapping on your arm or skin in time with your heartbeat

- Reading a list of ways others find peace and relax:

melonMeloncholy OP September 3rd, 2017

- Snapping your fingers in front of your face or next to your ear.

- Learning sign language or braille

- Taking free online courses in subjects that interest you

- Putting bandaids on yourself or kissing yourself

- Doing the exact opposite (if healthy) of what you want to do (if unhealthy)

- Alphabetizing your CDs, movies, games, books, or other groups of things

- Reorganizing your closet by color, size, ocassion, fabric, &c

- Surfing, floating, scuba diving, swimming, showering, or bathing

- Skateboarding, skating, rollerboarding, sledding, skiing, or biking

- Creating custom maps or backstories, such as for dungeons & dragons

- Making a map of your room, home, or neighborhood

- Knitting, sewing, embroidery, or fixing holes in clothes

- Learning a new magic trick, new yoyo trick, or new pet trick

- Decorating anything (rooms, cases, mirrors, profile pages, &c)

- Editing or contributing to wikipedia articles or other online resources

- Thinking about the first time you met someone who showed that they cared

- Listing places you would like to travel to or return to, real or imaginary

- Tensing and relaxing each of your muscles indvidually, from head to toe

- Brainstorming new slang or terms for existing or outdated words

- Imaging you are floating through clouds using your device (click here!)

- Exploring fun websites like Checkbox Painter (click here!)

- Listing and examining your personal boundaries

- Physically removing yourself from a tense environment or situation

- Wording your own personal mantra or affirmation, or reading others' mantras

- - -

References include but aren't limited to:



- 7cups Hobbies Master Post (from playing guitar to raising butterflies and more)

- 7cups Boundaries Self-Guide

- 7cups Mantras to Live By

melonMeloncholy OP September 29th, 2017

. . .

- Doing something outside that you would typically do indoors

- Performing a random act of kindness for someone else

- Rolling or sliding down a grassy, snowy, or sandy hill

- Taking a nap, resting, or allowing yourself to sleep

- Trying something you used to enjoy, even playing with a chidhood toy

- Being inspired by other people's aspirations and hopes

- Sharing a secret with a pet, toy, friend, or through

- Making lists about anything, or a pro/cons list

- Turning on colored lights, night lights, or turning off all the lights

- Driving, cycling, walking or travelling a short or long distance

- Feeding the birds or other animals, outside or at a zoo

- Splashing water on yourself

- Climbing something like furniture, a tree, cliff, or mountain

- Forgiving yourself for one thing you've been self-critical about

- Swinging on swings, or going to a playground

- Having a romantic date with yourself

- Personifying your illness or urge: if it were a person what would it be like?

- Making or finding a visual of what your ideal happy place or safe place would look like

- Sitting in front of a fan, listening to it and feeling the air

- Writing a letter to your illness, urge, or worries

- Imagining the title of a book, movie, or song about you

- Practicing martial arts, using a punching bag, kickboxing, going to the gym, and similar

- Creating a plan for how to deal with these emotions in the future

- Whistling or making other fun sound effects

. . .

- One Skill I would Like to Learn Is...
- One Way I Relax and Find Peace Is...
- There Is Nothing I Enjoy More Than...
- I Feel Most At Peace When...
- The Best Way To Cope With Negative Emotions Is...
- Alternative Thoughts and Actions Plan (PDF)

melonMeloncholy OP November 16th, 2017

- Taking personality quizzes and similar just for fun

- Feeling textures you enjoy or petting an animal

- Listening to ambient sounds or ASMR

- Talking out loud to yourself in a comforting tone

- Giving yourself a hug or cuddling with a blanket, pillow, or pet

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Related Links:
- Ambient sounds:
- Rain sounds:
- Send a Cuddle to someone:

ANEZKA013 November 28th, 2017

Healthy distractions:

playing with animals


creating (anything)



watching movies

going outside

exercise :)

melonMeloncholy OP November 29th, 2017

@ANEZKA013 - Excellent ideas and great additions to the list! Thanks for posting!

melonMeloncholy OP October 10th, 2020

- calligraphy, lettering

- streaming yourself live (such as videos/podcasts)

- making paper snowflakes

- carving and/or painting pumpkins

raymie77 January 22nd, 2021

A healthy distraction for me is to listen to music and dance. maybe watch a funny show.

melonMeloncholy OP January 23rd, 2021

@raymie77 - these are such great ways to relax and soothe! Humor can do wonders. Thanks for sharing!

melonMeloncholy OP April 11th, 2022

At long last, I've completed the following general care growth path based on this list:

Melon's Self-Care Stepping Stones Path

You can find this Path in Community Growth Paths.

Please continue to add your own coping methods to this thread so others may be inspired. It may even become the next step!

schrodingerscattt November 13th, 2023


Amazing list!! Right now I have a relapse in depression and just constantly wanna cry and right now I just tried a gratitude exercise and well it didn't magically help of course but I wanna get consistent in it and maybe that will help me to see the glass half full! My dad and almost all my family are pessimists and it's kinda hard to break the cycle but I'm trying. 

melonMeloncholy OP November 25th, 2023

@schrodingerscattt - You deserve good things, and who knows what the future holds. Any idea we have to fight back the darkness and doesn't hurt anything is a good idea. We can never have too many tools, or too many puzzle pieces. I'm so glad if this has helped you! I appreciate you for being here, thank you. You've got this. 

mish3l November 16th, 2023

@melonMeloncholy Thank you for this, the list is so extensive! I didn't realize that many activities I do are actually self-love activities :)

melonMeloncholy OP November 25th, 2023
@mish3l - Yes we can show ourselves we care in so many little ways! I appreciate you as well, thank you!

Boosting <3

melonMeloncholy OP August 10th

@jesusredeemedme2425 - thank you!

slowdecline48 June 30th

Drawing/painting/designing something, yes. Finishing what you start, yeah...dunno about "self love" but it's a good habit to cultivate. The voice thing sounds kinda irritating & walking barefoot can be dangerous in certain areas.

melonMeloncholy OP August 10th

@slowdecline48 - Finishing something you've started! Love that. Yes! These are amazing ideas. Sometimes we just need to change direction a little. 

loloxlistens July 6th


this is awesome 🩷

melonMeloncholy OP August 10th

@loloxlistens - Aww thank you! 

slowdecline48 August 10th

Re "listening to the rain": Hurricane/Tropical storm Debby blew by where I am less than a week ago. Down here, when it rains it is not something one just sits & listens to because it doesn't usually sound that relaxing. 😏