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let's not talk about sex

kable November 30th, 2015

why is it as soon as you tell a listener that you want to talk about your sex life they get rid of you

who else am I going to talk to about this stuff

my question is are there any listeners who actually will let me talk about sex because it's been almost 2 hours and 7 listeners later I'm really truly not only upset about the original thing but now for being rejected over and over again

btw this is boring run of the mill change in sex drive between a heterosexual couple - nothing graphic nothing terrible just something I needed to talk about!!!!!

Sunrise110 November 30th, 2015

hi I'm really sorry you encountered this problem, it sounds like your more frustrated than when you started which isn't the aim of the site.

Id be happy to chat with you at some point.

spectacularGrace36 November 30th, 2015

I will be happy to listen to you

Amelia November 30th, 2015


I also moved your post to the "Classifieds" section as that is where people post about needing a listener for a specific topic. Take care!

aricat November 30th, 2015

I guess most listeners are reluctant because we've all had our fair shares of the internet trolls, but if you have a real problem which is bothering you then it's fine to talk about it but I'm not going to lie, everyone feels uncomfortable when they ask questions like 'what do you think about this?' because I don't mind listening, but I really mind when people ask me for my opinion about it. Because as listeners we have our own feelings too and we are here to help people really in need and some people just take the advantage of it and leave us feeling really uncomfortable all for fun when in the meantime we could've helped a person actually in need, so that's a listener's point of view.

As for your problem, if you REALLY need help you can talk to me or any other listener you find interesting, but there will always be a fine line between being sexually frustrated and looking for a fun chat and being confused about your sexuality and seeking help. I hope this helped you get a listener's perspective :) Have a nice day!

riotgrrluvsu667 November 30th, 2015

I will be on tomorrow around midnight central time and u can chat with you if you want. Till then have a good night...err morning.

Pandas4ever November 30th, 2015

I really don't think sex should be discussed on this site unless it is done privately.

cristiana33 December 12th, 2015


Hey! I'm sure the OP was talking about Listeners not wanting to talk about sex on 1-1 chats - they are totally private, and no one but the Listener & Member has access to that chat.

Indeed some Listeners find it hard to speak about sex, maybe they have no experience or believe they can't handle well how the chat will develop. However, this is exactly why this section of the forum exists. So that each member can open a thread and mention what type of Listeners they would like to speak with.

seabreeze December 4th, 2015

Hey :) I'm perfectly comfortable talking about this stuff :) Message me whenever!

DeniseB December 8th, 2015

I'm sorry to hear that you have had that experience.

I think sometimes listeners are not aware of what kinds of sexual topics are appropriate and what are not. It sounds like you want to talk about some concerns or questions you are having. These kinds of things are allowed here. Some listeners are uncomfortable with those questions (which is okay, listeners can be uncomfortable with certain chats), but in these cases they should refer you to another listener rather than block you or just end the conversation. What is not appropriate is trying to have a sexual chat with a listener (or another member, for that matter). I have had both kinds of chats. In the beginning, it can sometimes be difficult to tell which type it will be, so it often can take a few minutes to decide.

Even if the listener believes that it is not appropriate, I think we are supposed to warn you two or three times before we close the chat, at least in most cases.

DeniseB December 8th, 2015

tl;dr: I'm sorry you have had this experience. There should have been more thought on the listener's part about how to speak with you and how to do a referral if they felt it necessary.

gracefulAngel96 December 19th, 2015

Try being upfront about the issue. If you go to a listener and tell them you have a sex problem, their first response will be to end the chat as sometimes (not often, but it has happened) we get people who come on just to troll and talk about innapropriate sexual things that 1. make the listener uncomfortable or 2. are against the code of conduct of this website. If you straight up say "I'm not a troll, and I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable, I'm just having some issues with my partner regarding our sex life. Can I talk to you about this", you will probably get a much better result!