This or that?
Choose between this or that, and then put another this or that in your comment for the next person! I will start with:
forum or chat ?
My bf of 5 years text me Friday saying he couldnt see me Saturday cause he was meeting someone new for lunch. He has since cut off all contact to me. My son has loved this man as a father for 5 years and its heartbreaking to us both for him to just drop us like we are nothing. For my son's sake, do you think I should continue to not contact him or pursue it and let him know how he has hurt us?
Shouldn't you try to meet him? He can't just do whatever he wants, right!
Dinner. I hardly ever have breakfast.
Movies or Books
Lion king or toy story?
Lion King, for sure! It's Shakespeare!
Toy story!
House on a mountain or on a beach?
On a mountain facing the beach
Working from home or from an office?
From office! (Home is for sleeping and relaxing after a hard day at work! ) :)
Office...... Drama or sitcom?
Sitcom......Lilacs or Lilies
Nightcore or Basehunter?
Nightcore. Star Wars or Star Trek
Star Trek. If you could go back to the past to change your future, would you do it or would you stay?
Change it! Would you rather be older or younger than you are? :)
older. Shoes or sandals?
Sorry, I did not see you post. I would choose shoes.
A little bit older than I am :P, like 15.
Would you ratherfly or,run faster than a cheetah?
Fly. Watercolors or acrylics?
Paints or pens ?
Fresh green grass or Warm Sand?
warm sand
would you rather every time you sneeze you transport to somewhere different or be blind for 12 months
warm sand
warm sand
warm sand
Eat whatever you want and not get fat or never run and be the fastest runner in the world