This or that?
Choose between this or that, and then put another this or that in your comment for the next person! I will start with:
forum or chat ?
Shake. Dance or sing
Sing. Intelligence or wisdom?
Intelligence. Learn a new language but never visiting a country where they speak that language or visiting a country whose language you don't know a word of?
Visiting a country lol very creative question. Hot milk or cold milk with cornflakes
A glass of warm milk maybe?
Being a supporter of Fontaine and socialism in general in Rapture or being a communist on Columbia (Either way your going to meet your end at the hands of a Tin Soldier as Slate puts it)
Being a communist on Columbia. (Already agree with several ideas from communism). Being able to drive a ship or a jet?
yes thank you! Someone answered it and I myself am a marxist
sports car or motorcycle
Sport cars. Live in your hometown forever and not being able to leave or live in any other city/cities you want but not being able to ever come back to your hometown?
Living in other cities and not be able to be back (this is my situation right now :( Left or right
Left. Snowboard or skateboard?
Early bird or night owl?
night owl
night owl