What Made You Smile Today?
My fave youtube videos
Loving myself by letting me nap when I needed one ^_^
A joke!
I have been working the Frontline all year and have not been sick!! I'm am grateful to God!!
@Californialove77 thank you so much for your service
praise the lord for all the protection!
I made a blanket. First time ever and it made me happy that it turned out.
Chocolate would do ..!
My friends. Nothing special happened but seeing them just be... Them. To see them be so happy and enjoying themselves with us, their friends, makes me smile. These interactions our often in our discord and messenging app but it still feels so true, like we're really hanging out in real life. I can't wait to see them in person again.
BTS posted a lot today so that made me smile. They're a korean boy group who have helped me a lot.
Wow Omg I am an Army as well i.e. BTS Fan. Glad to hear that :')
Just waking up in the morning, healthy and watching my family fit, fine and playful in front of me.
My cat, Lucky.