What Made You Smile Today?
My dog makimg a cute face.
My friends as usual. They are the biggest Jerks that I've ever met. ๐๐
My therapist's glasses fell apart and he was wearing them like I try to when mine break. (with only one side intact) We all are just so human and share this human experience. Blessings to all the noble imperfect individuals working toward positive change
Surprisingly, my classmates... I'm lucky this year, they're good people.
Texting with one of my favourite coworkers, chatting with my best friend, and having enough work to stay busy all day today.
The person Ilove got the flu and called me to ask for company. We have been like 3 hours together, just talking and laughing. That was pretty awesome!!
My dog making funny noises when she wanted to play with me :)
Went home and saw my friends at my old-school :)
Play the oboe or piano I love it