What Made You Smile Today?
My little cousin gave me a random hug when I really needed one.
Slobbery doggy kisses.😄
Me too. It's my friends dog. She's a shepherd boxer mix. An absolute love.
Seeing my boyfriend
Getting off work at 7am this morning after doing a 16 hour shift.
Today I saw the happiness of satisfaction on my brother's face after a long time. He was so confident and happy today. I'm also happy for him.(:
Seeing a smile on my best friend 's face
Smiles really are contagious! Thank you for sharing!
Chatting with an awesome listener today! Nothing makes me smile more when I'm struggling than knowing I can come on to 7CupsofTea and chat with a friendlty volunteer from another country. I've learned so much about other countries and cultures thanks to this site! My travel bucket list seems to grow larger everday. So does my heart. Thank you 7cups for making this possible:)
What made me smile today was being in school.
What made me smile today? When I listen to my favorite songs during road trips.