What Made You Smile Today?
My dog has a little toy and she likes to get the legs or tail across her teach and then lightly gnaw on them, she gets so blessed out while doing this, it makes me smile to see her so relaxed and giving herself self care.
@caringSmiles20 my son when he told me I'm his best friend ❤️😭
@olivewarrior Ohhh my, how sweet! That is just the cutest. Seems to me you are doing parenting right! <3 Awwww.
Listening to music.
Seeing my daughter's face light up while playing with my husband
Hearing my niece laugh
I found out that my friend got a new boyfriend, finally, what a breakthrough!
My cat coming to cuddle with me in the morning
My dumbness lol, I put the food bowl in a container and then spent 30 minutes looking for the bowl thereafter 😂😂
Something I did early on the morning
My lovely wife ❤️