What Made You Smile Today?
I found a lost bag of heroin tar at my job. It was a lot and I'm sure it was expensive. I threw it away. The owners of said bag came in looking for it. They didn't ask but it was obvious. One of them kept going to the atm and to my register to withdraw money she didn't have. A whole group of them were retracting their steps. Some got money out. The one who was trying to overdraft her account must have been left behind because when I went on a cigarette break she was alone and crying. I tried to console her but what do you tell an addict to make them feel better when all they want is to get high? She didn't tell me that was the reason. She was crying "because someone stole her money and emptied her bank account" I had compassion for her because I've been in her shoes when it comes to drugs and getting walked all over being the one with cash.
I smiled today because I didn't take the bag home with me and also might have saved one of those in the group from overdosing. I feel kind of bad because I wish there was something I could do to help her other than enable their habits. The bag stayed in the trash. My only hope is they all get a wakeup call and get sober.
Seeing my grandparents for the first time since February
My husband not only bringing me Excedrin upstairs for my migraine like I asked but also thinking outside of the box to bring me a fresh water too haha it's the little things.
I went out to have my yearly mamogram this morning! It was a good feeling to do something positive for my health!!
I stayed late to help a younger guy at work finish a zone at work.
He mentioned this beautiful younger woman. She has the beautiful spirit about her. She hasn't been in lately with this whole Covid thing.
(She is ALWAYS a bright spot in a dreary retail day).
He mentioned that she was talking to him about me. She apparently raved about how much she appreciated and respected me.
My jaw must've hit my shows because even he joked "yeah it be like sometimes."
My cat attacked the mirror in the middle of my zoom class haha
I work with kids who have autism and I was doing a puzzle with my kiddo his little sister kept playing with my legs by resting her forehead on my leg and then lifting and smiling and laughing she's always a ball of energy!
The fact I get to seem my 3 doggies and my lil brother tomorrow 😁
I manage to overcome my negative emotions :)
My son's laugh 🥰💙
how adorable!