What Made You Smile Today?
Getting to chat w my baby even though it was brief it always gives my Body an instant reaction Lol. He makes my heart smile frkn Gorgeous man that he is 💗
Putting up christmas tree decorations - small thing but made me smile and reminded me about the good things in life
Looking at photos on Facebook of my night out with friends 😄
I work at Sonic and I hopped out to a car with a baby Siberian husky and it was so lovely and I got to bet it and it's eyyyyesssss🥺
I hate Mondays.
My puppy, she keeps me company
getting message from bf. reading random joke in twitter
seeing my classmate smile with his friends (they were distracting him basically) even though his mom passed away two days ago. we were at her funeral today and he managed to give them a smile. so brave.
My dog sleeping beside me
Just turned on my phone to see an adorable guy on my screen: my boyfriend. He keeps me going..