What Made You Smile Today?
I went to my traditional Korean dancing class! I may have binged today, but my dancing helped me to temporarily escape from my problems, and allow me to feel better afterwards!
Finally competing my favorite childhood game... Destroy All Humans!
I loaded up this used mountain bike I just bought myself for my birthday. Putting it in my work truck made me smile. Looking forward to riding it.
All the little things.
@TheAnxiousLioness those are the most important, ain't they?
My wife liked the cookies I baked for our anniversary. She wondered when I did that, but she went to bed rather early yesterday so that's why she didn't know.
That is so incredibly sweet!
Apparently not sweet enough, she still wants a divorce and keeps chatting to ger bf in front of me. I guess our ways will split and somehow I cannot wait until she leaves for good and the hurt comes to an end.
I'll make the cookies again if I ever meet someone who truly loves me for me.
A dumb joke, about a tv show sucking, from my friend at school
Being able to defeat a boss in a videogame & sharing the experience with a friend.
Eating ramen for breakfast
R/Eyebleach. And a while ago, when my little brother asked innocently if tomorrow can be his birthday again. So cute and silly.