What Made You Smile Today?
My bunny jumping on my bed all on his own when I was feeling down.
Even though my homework was due over a month ago I got it in today and the teacher gave me a huge smile 😃 my mum thinks I'll get an excellence but I doubt it. Also I approached the one person I trust and asked if I could talk to her sometime about everything since she's been there for me for so long. She isn't a professional but honestly she helps so much, she saved me. She always says I can talk to her. I had fun in PE too, even working with others, I didn't feel scared 😃
Doing my math homework all by myself
Made an older widow feel safe becominga patron ofmy place of buisness..she was dreading making decisions after her husbands passing.
Two of my best friends, a good friend, and a friend I just met all called me by my masculine name. I was extremely happy.
Seeing a close friend who I haven't seen in a while!
Talking to dad on the phone. And realising that I am his favourite daughter. And realising that I am just like him. :) love you dad
My friend saw my scars without me knowing . Especially since me and him rarely talk. But then he gave me a piece of paper that read "Stay Strong ❤" and it made my day. At first I acted stupid as if I didn't do such things as self harm, but ik I couldn't lie especially to him either .
Yesterday ,He wrote me another letter telling me how he cares and how he is here for me , as well about his past. And for once in my whole life I believed someone that they 'are here for me' I wonder how long that can last?
My flatmate :) She spent an hour with me editing a cover letter, and when I told her I really appreciated her helping me she said she wanted me to be successful and would like it if I could stay in the same city :)
What makes me smile is that I have a friend who always remembers to tell me good morning even though we both live in different time zones.