What Made You Smile Today?
Got to see my the guy I almost had a relation ship with and even though I thought I lost feelings seeing him and hugging him made me realize how happy he made me.
While I was sat on the grass in the park with my 11 yr old cocker spaniel, (who is practically blind and also deaf)a large dog came running over towards us and assuming I was in danger my dog leapt forth and barked at the dog to get it to go away. It was entirely unnecessary as the dog was harmless, but my little dog defending me really made me smile. It may not sound like much, but in a day of darkness it really made me feel better. Such loyalty and unquestioning,relentless love from a little beast who just wants me around all the time is some thing to smile about.
Turns out finding a place to live in Arizona is not as scary or impossible as I thought it would be.
The guy I like smile at me(he doesn't know I like him) ....ummm that is a dumb to say I Know but aside from that nothing made me laugh ..pretty depressing day
My boyfriend hugging m really tightly
I was inspired by words that a Listener on here spoke to me, and I smiled because I realized I do have a true chance at getting better.
Watching my beautiful daughter play and my G*d
My dog! She always makes me smile. And watching television with my dad- he is a very caring person that I'm lucky to have in my life.
@Genie4ever I love my dogs, all 4 of them. We have that in common. They make me feel loved every time we are together ❤️..
What a marvelous blessing from God.
@Genie4ever dogs and TV for life! I like to watch TV with my cat curled up on my lap. She's old and stinky, but I don't think I'd get on without her.
I got really good news this week that has made me feel better about my life than I have in months. I recently found out that I was accepted into a prestigious theatre program and it honestly has changed my outlook on life. It has helped me realize that my hard work really does pay off, and has helped me realize my worth. It has left me feeling so optimistic for the future, and I finally feel at ease. This is what makes me smile right now.
There's this boy who likes me and I said hi to him today and he couldn't put his words together and was really shy but only when it came to talking to me and that just made my day the fact that he likes me so much he get to nervous to think it's so cute honestly