Things you shouldn't throw of a building????
once I threw pancakes from the roof and it made funny sounds when it hit the floor 😁
@glavo 😂 I think that deserves the best thing to throw off a building award!
@glavo 😂😂😂😂😂 pine is right here is your award😂😂
Thank you so much 😄
It was a funny day being a lousy cook but now I got awarded for it lol!
Maybe watch your head @glavo because we don’t know if @Tinywhisper11 is throwing those flowers from ground level or off a building 😂
@PineTreeTree @glavo if you have any issues or concerns about what I throw and where I throw it from, please take it up with my lawyer. He goes by the name of @PineTreeTree. Thankyou😂😂😂
I am just afraid of the two cactus that are hidden with the flowers 🤕
but I am going to say if something happens to me expect I will fight with pancakes 💪
@glavo oh nooo!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂want a food fight do ya?? Gets my frozen carrot from the freezer ok I'm ready😁
@lovelyWindow2305 What? You’re the second person to mention grandma. No one has said grandpa…I guess he’s fair game (watch out there gramps) 😂
@PineTreeTree I prefer bobsleighing😎 yep so far I've slayed 48 Bob's😂😂😂
@Tinywhisper11 oh no, all those poor bobs 😂
@PineTreeTree on a completely unrelated note 👀 is your name bob by any chance?? 👀👀
@Tinywhisper11 no siree bob
@lovelyWindow2305 yep! Someone else said grandma😂😂😂 and we agreed to only throw them of if they have life insurance😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@lovelyWindow2305 What if it's an evil grandma? There should be an exception for that...
Earthworms and dirt.
@jesusredeemedme2425 should we ask? 😂
@PineTreeTree nope! I think it's best not to ask😂😂😂😂
@Tinywhisper11 ok 😂
Used diapers
@tuhinaanjum ewwwwww yes don’t throw those off a building! 🤣
The people living in my building does this 😭
I don't know bad people I guess
That’s evil XD
You would probably kill me if I say this answer again but still..
@gokulisheretolisten007 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Okay now that's a deathstare I guess in should probably run 🏃🏃🏃🏃
@gokulisheretolisten007 yep! Run😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@gokulisheretolisten007 you can't escape from me
Definitely not full cups of coffee
@averychicago quarter cups when it is like Luke warm and you don’t want to drink anymore cuz it’s the third cup today you’re already feeling a bit jittery….is it ok to throw then? 😂
I mean… Its probably good for your hair lol
@jesusredeemedme2425 depends…if it’s in a paper cup 😂
@averychicago @PineTreeTree @jesusredeemedme let's not waste coffee please
Your ex.
@PeacefulMirror unless you’re trying to get them to fall for you again…but no, don’t throw your ex off a building
@PineTreeTree @PeacefulMirror yes please don't throw people of the roof, no matter how tempted you are😂😂😂😂😂 although remember some people are like slinkys😁 fun to push down the stairs😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Tinywhisper11 and remember elevator shafts are not the same as stairwells