Random Untold Stories…
What story do you really want to tell, but no one has asked the right question for you to bring it up?
[cw] How I got free weed once.
Yes, really.
Gonna need some deets there. ;)
@jesusredeemedme2425 Yeah, it was surreal. 😆 If you have any skepticism about it then I don't blame you at all. But I really did get some herb...& might've narrowly avoided a citation, or possibly even a night in jail.
Gonna hafta type this up outside Cups, then copy & paste. It'll take too long to do it all inside the text field here.
@jesusredeemedme2425 maybe about someone lost but then again there are some memories that make sense only to those who shared them. Maybe there won't ever be a right question to bring it up or if someone ever did ask the right one then I guess the words would be leaving me as fast as they can.
@jesusredeemedme2425 I know what drowning is like, I drowned temporarily but survived