I wish I could tell everybody that...
I'm bisexual. I dont want a relationship with someone of the same sex. I just want the sex. It would be so mutch easyer if i was just bi. But what i want is so weird. And therefore it is hard to tell people.
Anorexia Nervosa is NOT A CHOICE.
I dont like my life. I feel grabed in darkness
That I didn't chose my mental illnesses and no one else did.
That im hurting so so much ....and im alone & just want to hurt myself :'(:'(;:'(:'(:'(
That I feel so damn alone and I'm stuck in a dead end... And that I mean it when I say I have problems. Selfharm , alcohol abuse ,smoking, physical and mental abuse , sexual perpressure , suicidal, eating disorded, All before the age of 14. No one should have to go through that and I'm proud of everyone who came this far.you're doing awesome . no matter who you are you are someone and that's important .
That Asperger's and ADHD doesn't just happen to little boys.
They are not childhood diseases. They don't grow away. There's actual brain chemistry going on.
They are not a resault of bad parenting or lack of discipline. "Baby I was born this way"
They cannot be punished away...
They do not equal potentially violent, vidoegame obessed, computer savvy or math genius.
@mylifeaseva I wish I could tell everyone how scared I am most of the time, when I act so tough..
How much i love my dad, and im proud being his son.
i really don't need you, i really can manage by my own i mean i always did, can't seewhy i can't now.
also, am not who you think i am, i really am not.
i appreciate myself, and i wonder why don't appreciate me too ? i mean what is it so wrong and ugly in me that you see but dislike and cause you to stay away ?