If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only three words?
I had two thoughts. 1) Words can hurt. 2) Try your best.
What would your note say?
It may suck right now
But at some point it will get better
Keep your chin up
And your back straight
And March your way through this
Those people you think at sooo cool their not and please quite letting your sister fill your head with all her horrible secrets be yourself and control your anxiety don't let it control you
You're worth it.
You deserve love.
You are loved.
You are enough.
You are enough.
Anthony isn't everything.
I'm sorry for what you have to go through with mom but she slowly gets her sanity back. You wanted to be a cheerleader miss popular but you're actually way cooler then that. You're home life is a bummer but you're friends make up for it.
You are allowed to say no. You are good enough. Don't listen to his lies. Make yourself happy. Take care of yourself. Nothing is ever worth hurting yourself over. Trust your instincts. There is hope.
Can't please everyone.
Talk more often.
Don't be afraid.