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blueSummer3495 November 13th

hey beautiful people

I'm looking for some ways in which I can improve as a person and be a better friend. What characteristics is a good friend to you?

takemedicine November 13th

@blueSummer3495 Most important thing in a friend for me would be Kindness/Compassion I think🧐

Jesterathome66 November 15th

@blueSummer3495 traits of a good friend is caring and respect. Also to make a good friend it's good to have common interests. 👍

creativeAvocado772 November 18th

Genuine care, concern and respect that flows in two directions. Communicating even when it may be difficult and the ability to apologize if something goes wrong.

delicateVision3519 November 18th


hey! I tend to really appreciate when my friends try to make me feel included. I think making plans or putting in effort to talk to/see those you care about is super important. 

raymond1203 November 19th

i think it’s impt to be caring and supportive but i think a big thing about being a friend is you gotta be FUN

be there and be supportive (NO DOUBT) but i rly think making a friend LAUGH is just as important.

just keep finding the funny 🙂

I think a good friend is willing to do hard things for the relationship. No friendship is going to be easy, sometimes you’re going to have to challenge yourself. Keeping an open mind and open communication are super important to be able to grow with a friend and realize that adult relationships require active thought and time to last.