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A place for passionateThinker3248 and @sympatheticWalker9328 to talk and support each other

passionateThinker3248 August 14th, 2023

A place for @passionateThinker3248 and @sympatheticWalker9328 to talk and support each other

passionateThinker3248 OP September 25th, 2023

So far so good honestly, just taking things slow and letting things happen naturally

sympatheticWalker9328 September 25th, 2023

You are still friends or more than friends now?

passionateThinker3248 OP September 25th, 2023

That's hard to define lol, it feels like something in between so far

sympatheticWalker9328 September 25th, 2023

Did u tell her about your feelings?

passionateThinker3248 OP September 25th, 2023

Yeah she knows

passionateThinker3248 OP September 25th, 2023

She wants to take things slow and see where it goes

sympatheticWalker9328 September 25th, 2023

Okay good

passionateThinker3248 OP September 28th, 2023

How's your week been going? I hope it has been going well

sympatheticWalker9328 September 28th, 2023

It's been going great. What about yours?

passionateThinker3248 OP September 28th, 2023

Up and down, honestly. I'm surviving

sympatheticWalker9328 September 28th, 2023

Hey what happened? Would you like to share?

passionateThinker3248 OP September 28th, 2023

One of my pets have gotten sick, so I've been taking care of them

passionateThinker3248 OP September 28th, 2023

They ended up passing away

sympatheticWalker9328 September 28th, 2023

Oh gosh , im so sorry for ur loss. It must have been so hard for you. I don't know what to say.I wish ur cat is at peace. Take ur time and it's okay if u want to let your emotions out. I can only imagine ur pain. I'm always here if u need me . You are going to feel better . Much love to you. Take care of yourself David.

passionateThinker3248 OP September 28th, 2023

Thank you, I appreciate you

sympatheticWalker9328 September 29th, 2023

Hey David, I hope you are doing well. Just wanted to check in . Have a wonderful day or night depending.

sympatheticWalker9328 September 29th, 2023

Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs❤️❤️

passionateThinker3248 OP September 29th, 2023

Thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful day or night too

sympatheticWalker9328 October 1st, 2023

David I forgot to tell you , there's a cooking channel that goes by the name of nino's home. Ive been following that channel for really long. It's really cute and it also involves ur favourite thing. If you have the time, do check it out. Got some really easy and yummy recipes too.

passionateThinker3248 OP October 2nd, 2023

I'll check it out, it has tigers in the kitchen lol

sympatheticWalker9328 October 2nd, 2023

Hahhaha.Not tigers but a really cute cat.

passionateThinker3248 OP October 3rd, 2023

I checked some of the stuff looks good. You like to cook?

sympatheticWalker9328 October 4th, 2023

Yeah sometimes. It's good way to zone out.

passionateThinker3248 OP October 5th, 2023

Very true, so you cook with tigers in the kitchen too lol

sympatheticWalker9328 October 6th, 2023

😂😂😂I hope not . They will be cooking me I guess.

passionateThinker3248 OP October 6th, 2023

Just adopt the friendly ones lol

sympatheticWalker9328 October 6th, 2023

Well im already scared of cats , I cannot even imagine their extend family being with me . So, they belong to you. Have fun.

passionateThinker3248 OP October 6th, 2023

I'm ready for a tiger, bubbles is more dangerous than a tiger can ever be lol

sympatheticWalker9328 October 8th, 2023

Lol I'm excited and also scared to ever meet bubbles

passionateThinker3248 OP October 10th, 2023

Bubbles is sweet and things have been going really good for me. I hope the week is being kind to you

passionateThinker3248 OP October 15th, 2023

I hope you are doing well, I've been sick all week but I'm fine

sympatheticWalker9328 October 15th, 2023

Oh dear. Wish you speedy recovery David. I have also been busy lately ,my mom got her hand fractured. So been helping with the household chores, taking care of my mum and my baby brother. It's been tough for me these days too. I know your cats must be upset because their mom is sick . Get well soon David .

passionateThinker3248 OP October 18th, 2023

Sorry for the late response I'm still sick honestly, I hope you and your mom are doing well. You're a wonderful daughter to help your mother and your brother

passionateThinker3248 OP October 30th, 2023

I hope you have been doing well, I got sick again and have been sick for awhile. I hope your mom and brother are doing well too

sympatheticWalker9328 November 17th, 2023

I also got really busy and got logged out of my account. I hope you are doing well now David .

passionateThinker3248 OP November 18th, 2023

I'm doing well, it's been busy here. I've been taking care of my grandma she had a procedure done lately. How have you been?

sympatheticWalker9328 November 18th, 2023

That's good to hear. I hope your grandma recovers well . I've been a Lil low lately but it is getting better .

passionateThinker3248 OP November 21st, 2023

My grandma has been recovering well. I'm sorry that it's been a rough time for you. Things will get better I promise and I'm here if you need me. Also I'm sorry for the late response, still taking care of my grandmother right now

sympatheticWalker9328 November 21st, 2023

Thank you for your support. And it's fine , I don't mind ur late responses. I know you are busy . I love that you are taking care of your grandmother. She's got a really nice grandson . I'm really proud of what you do for your loved ones David. You are a really good person.

passionateThinker3248 OP November 26th, 2023

Your kindness is always appreciated and you are a wonderful person. There needs to be more people like you. I hope things have been going well. I've been tired, I'm redoing the floors in my house and it's a lot of work, but I got it so far