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Balancing Caregiving and the Holiday season

Hope December 18th, 2023

Hi everyone! The holiday season can be a mixed one to start with, some like, some dislike it but most find some joy, some stress in it.  For caregivers, it can also be a stressful juggling act. Balancing caregiving duties with holiday traditions can feel overwhelming, leaving you drained and burnt out

Here are some tips to navigate the festive season with grace and self-care:

  • Prioritize meaningful moments with your loved ones and delegate or simplify tasks wherever possible. Remember, the most important gift you can give is your presence, not perfect meals.
  • Discuss your limitations and expectations with your family and loved ones. Enlist their help in decorating, cooking, or running errands. They want to support you, but they can't read your mind!
  • Explore festive virtual events or create new traditions that cater to your loved one's needs and your energy levels.
  • Schedule breaks for yourself, even if it's just a quick walk around the block or a solo cup of tea. Respite is essential to avoid burnout and recharge your caregiving batteries.
  • Don't be afraid to delegate tasks or ask for help. Whether it's hiring a grocery delivery service or getting a friend to wrap presents, accepting support frees up your time and energy for what truly matters.

Remember, the holidays are for everyone, including caregivers! By prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and embracing the joy, you can create a festive season that's filled with love, laughter, and happy memories for you and your loved ones.

How do you navigate caregiving during the holiday season?

soulsings December 18th, 2023

@Hope I agree that juggling everything can be tricky. I guess for me one way to do that is to not expect fo much. I am not going to be trying to replicate a traditional holiday mea. Instead I will cook foods my partner and I like and not get all stressed out cooking.

I have started cleaning and organizing now and that really feels like a fift to myself. I feel better being surrounded by a clean, organized environment. 

Hope all you caregivers and everyone have a wonderful holiday season. 

craterlake December 20th, 2023

@Hope The holidays certainly are stressful for me. I end up doing all the cooking, cleaning, shopping for everyone. What I expect back, absolutely nothing other than not being on anyone's shopping list. I'm not greedy, but I'd like to be thought of at least.