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My dad is in the hospital

User Profile: raspberryNectarine769
raspberryNectarine769 February 11th

Please will someome talk to me. I feel so alone I have no friends and he is one of the only family I have left. Things are so bad right now. I domt want to get oit of bed or do anything but I have to work because I live on my own

User Profile: trueconfidant123
trueconfidant123 February 12th


Hey there. I'm really sorry to hear that your dad is hospitalized. Having been through something similar, I know it can be emotionally strenuous seeing a family member struggling with their health. 

My pm's are open if you'd like to chat and get it off your chest.

I'll keep you and your father in my prayers. Take care. 🙏🏻

User Profile: colorfulCreature6370
colorfulCreature6370 February 12th

I’m so sorry to hear about your father being in the hospital. If you ever need someone to talk to i’m am here. I have been in your shoes and I know how overwhelming all of these different parts of your life can be right now. I am wishing your dad the very best.

User Profile: Healingdr
Healingdr February 12th

Dear one,

It's ok to feel overwhelmed and extremely worried right now.But let me assure you,this too shall pass.My brother was admitted in a hospital for 19 days,I was alone with my grandparents...I say alone because it was the first time I spend these many days away from my parents and sibling.We all were worried we would lose him at such a tender age.But then, miracles do happen.He responded well to the medicines and we got him back, he will turn 18 next month.

So just give yourself time...pray if you are a believer...and hope for the best no matter what the situation is,for many a times things get better, miracles do happen.

Be proud of yourself for handling everything alone,and don't lose hope.

Time heals everything

Will pray for his soon recovery...

User Profile: Staryday1257
Staryday1257 February 12th

Im so sorry, I don't know you but if you do need someone to talk to and you can't or don't want to talk to anyone in your personal life there are so many people here who you can talk to myself included

User Profile: Amanda84
Amanda84 February 13th

@raspberryNectarine769  firstly let me say hello 😊 I'm sorry to hear that your dad is in hospital, sending him love, prayers and positivity. I know exactly how you feel, my dad has been sick for over a year now, he had cancer in his ear, throat and neck and had to have multiple operations. Then he got the mrsa bug and had a severe infection, followed by a bad fall, cellulitis and not being able to walk. Watching him losing his independence was crippling, and I always felt a guilt, am I doing enough for him? I understand how it feels to be drained, to want to hide under the covers and not face the day, or people. What got me through was taking care of my own needs, being honest with my feelings, taking one day at a time and not allowing myself to become overwhelmed with what ifs. My dad is getting there day by day. Wishing you all the best and please take care of yourself and on your hardest days know I am praying for you both, love and hugs 😊♥️💕

User Profile: Arian81
Arian81 February 13th
@raspberryNectarine769 Hola, yo también paso por algo parecido, y te entiendo de corazón. Te mando ánimos, y ojalá que todo vaya mejorando..
User Profile: humble101
humble101 February 13th

Are you ok? I'm here anytime.