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Family issues

emotionalDime5965 January 16th, 2022

This is the first time Im sharing this with someone, my mother devalue me all the time.

Im grown up and married and me and my partner financially stable. I feel like my mother jealous of me, she has been married 3 times, divorced, she always complains that she doesn’t have money. Whatever I start the conversation and say that me nd my partner went to the nice restaurant she always say something nasty like “ oh must be nice to have money “ she can’t be happy for me , when I said that we want to go on a holiday she said “ oh ok, and i will probably die in the sh”£t city and never will go anywhere “ it came to the point when I stopped sharing anything with her , she is very negative person. I always try to help her , when I visit I give her money, I always always buy groceries etc anything she needs. But I have noticed something I tried not to notice now for several years she is only happy and it is only happy about a week , when I give her money she start to be nice and sweet with me. If i say I am feeling down or depressed she says that Im lazy and I need to find something to do and basically “ shut up and be happy” she always says with a smirk something like “ what are you depressed about? Stop it, it’s silly”

I honestly can’t take this anymore, I don’t know what to do, I do love my mother and I don’t want to cut her off.

but I would like to go on holidays and not feel guilty that “oh look im on holiday and my mother can’t afford it “

also , I did take her to holidays, i give her money frequently , I buy presents for etc, I try to be a perfect daughter but it is never enough

InquireWithin January 16th, 2022


Welcome! I'm sorry you are experiencing the negativity of someone who seems to take pleasure in bringing you down, who resents seeing you happy or successful or enjoying life. Sometimes all you can do in such a situation is know that this is her choice, and you need not carry her burden. I know that this is easy for me to say. "Easier said than done" is an old folk saying.

Perhaps when she starts up her routine of negative talk or sneering or derogatory comments, you can change your response. Often when in such a situation I will say, "Sorry you feel that way" and then politely excuse myself and physically leave, or disconnect if on the phone or chat. This removes the "cord" that the other person has attached to me (speaking in metaphors) in order to get me to respond negatively back to them, thus creating conflict. My departure means they have no grounds on which to pick a fight. Does this make sense?

In short, when we stop adding fuel to the fire, it goes out.