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recovery from anorexia

Tori0707 May 20th, 2017

recovering with an eating disorder and im getting a little bigger so my skin is stretching i guess but my belly looks callulitey. i dont know if its cellulite but its fattyness on my sides and at the top and i have a toned belly but on the skin overtop my abs its bunching together and looks fatty. is it because my skin is stretching back or because ive been eating too much ice cream in recovery or too much peanutbutter ? need to know.

Mimi May 21st, 2017


Hey there, Tori!

I'm happy to see you sharing your thoughts on the forums!

I'm really proud of you, recovering from Anorexia can be terribly difficult, especially in the initial stages, because of how strong those voices can be, how much they try and hold you back from working towards a healthier mind and a healthier body. Now that you are restoring your body, dehydrating and trying to regain nutrition, that ED voice is going to get louder and fierce, it's going to make you more aware of those small changes you see, and it distorts how you see yourself, so what may start to look normal to others, may look exaggerated in your eyes, all it's trying to do is fool you into taking steps back.

You have that bravery and strictness in resisting the urge to restrict and lose weight again because you're aware that everything isnt instantly how youd like it to be. Give your body time, but also give it the best possible chance. I know it's going to be worth it in the end.

It may seem like you're eating too much, but your body is just regaining it's strength again. I'm really proud of you.

"Remember that just as you have to contemplate constructing a character for yourself after anorexia, you have to construct a body for yourself too, one that will be what you need it to be for the adventure of being more fully alive in the years to come."

Tori0707 OP May 21st, 2017

@MimiBliss it's just hard. I want the body I had two months ago because it was skinny and I wasnt gaining weight back yet but I remember not bein as happy and healthy but I feel like I can get to that again in a healthy way but I know I can't because eating disorder will just take over. My belly just looks so bad to me and I feel so chubby