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Self-Care Challenge
by KristenHR
Last post
September 19th
...See more Self-care is a necessary part of recovery, though it has many, many ways to being done.  A lot of times people think that self-care needs to have time set aside that we spend an hour or a day just to do self-care.  I'm here today to challenge you to do self-care this week and to challenge your thinking on what self-care is! Self-care is a conscious act people take to promote their physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. It can be something that is done in as short as 5 - 10 minutes or as long as a week.  It can be something done regularly or something done randomly.  It can be an old faithful activity, or something that you've never tried before. Let's discuss self-care for a bit. When you think about self-care in recovery, what comes to mind for you? What kinds of things do you do for your self-care that you find helps and works for you that others might find helpful, and how much time do you spend doing it? How did you decide which things to do for your self-care?  Did anyone help you get started? What is one thing this week that you could do for you that would be beneficial to your recovery that is taking care of you, and just being kind to you in the form of self-care? Please join me in discussing this and let's share how we utilize self-care in our recovery from eating disorders and other life challenges. Kristen
Introducing... Eating Disorder Care Package
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 5th
...See more We are excited to announce a new initiative: Small Steps and Support Care Package for individuals on their journey to recovery from eating disorders. This care package is filled with handpicked information and resources aimed at promoting self-care, mindfulness, and encouragement. They're not a replacement for professional treatment, but a small token of support to let someone know they're not alone and their journey is recognized.  What's included? * Coping Skills  * Relapse Prevention Plan * Steps to take care of yourself * Various resources and links You can view/ download the Eating Disorder Care Package here [] Feel free to bookmark, or share it with anyone who might need it. Your care and support would make a difference in someone's recovery journey!  @heather225 @KristenHR @dancat1128
Eating Disorder Support Automated Taglist - New
by theriverissinging
Last post
August 4th
...See more This thread controls an auto-updating taglist. To see the current list, go to Eating Disorder Support Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words “Please add me.” To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words, “Please remove me.” Taglist to be used for check-ins, discussions, events and announcements. ------------------------- we'll be compiling the latest taglist through a process outlined here [] every time we make a post.
Self-Care Challenge
by KristenHR
Last post
September 19th
...See more Self-care is a necessary part of recovery, though it has many, many ways to being done.  A lot of times people think that self-care needs to have time set aside that we spend an hour or a day just to do self-care.  I'm here today to challenge you to do self-care this week and to challenge your thinking on what self-care is! Self-care is a conscious act people take to promote their physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. It can be something that is done in as short as 5 - 10 minutes or as long as a week.  It can be something done regularly or something done randomly.  It can be an old faithful activity, or something that you've never tried before. Let's discuss self-care for a bit. When you think about self-care in recovery, what comes to mind for you? What kinds of things do you do for your self-care that you find helps and works for you that others might find helpful, and how much time do you spend doing it? How did you decide which things to do for your self-care?  Did anyone help you get started? What is one thing this week that you could do for you that would be beneficial to your recovery that is taking care of you, and just being kind to you in the form of self-care? Please join me in discussing this and let's share how we utilize self-care in our recovery from eating disorders and other life challenges. Kristen
Eating disorder
by Hopeprovider6771
Last post
August 31st
...See more Coping with an eating disorder requires a multifaceted approach. Seeking professional help, building a support system,challenging negative thoughts, practicing self-care, developing healthy eating habits, avoiding triggers, and being patient with oneself are essential steps toward recovery. By combining these strategies, individuals can overcome their eating disorder and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life 
Things that help
by twerp
Last post
July 31st
...See more Sometimes it's hard to just do the things you should.  I'll sit down with my dinner and without even realizing it I'll be glancing at my arms and looking at how my stomach is when I sit, It's like a instinct.  But I have things that help me.  On this forum I'll be posting things like that and other coping mechanisms.  Feel free to join in and share what helps you, your struggles, and what you want to overcome. (Please do! <3)
Accontability thread - week 30/2024 (July 22-28)
by Turtleonmyleftarm
Last post
July 30th
...See more Hi everyone,  For the past couple of weeks, Phoenix22k, enigmaticOcean8813, and I have been messaging each other in this community to support one another and share our daily progress (or doubts). Unfortunately, after two weeks of continuous replies, we realized it was becoming a bit challenging to keep track of all the responses and posts. When replying to a specific post, the response appears directly underneath, while replying to the main topic (accountability) pushes responses to the bottom. Although this system makes sense, after many replies, especially when using the 7Cups app instead of the desktop version, it was becoming difficult to follow all the responses. There was a real risk of missing something important and not providing each other with the right support and responses. Therefore, we've decided to create a new post for each week. By doing this, and seeing new accountability posts regularly, we also hope that others might see them and want to join our support group. I imagine the previous post, with so many replies just among us, might seem intimidating and not leave much room for new contributions. All this long (and boring) introduction is to say... Welcome to the new accountability thread for week 30/2024, from Monday, July 22nd to Sunday, July 28th. @Phoenix22k  @enigmaticOcean8813
Looking for an accountability friend
by Turtleonmyleftarm
Last post
July 22nd
...See more Hi everyone,  I am starting my recovery journey from anorexia. I should eat more, but I find myself constantly restricting and saying "no" to adding what I should be adding on my plate.  In the last few days I really struggled with my energy levels and with my wellbeing in general, so I said to myself I must start doing something otherwise if I continue going down this path I don't know where I'm going to end...  So I had this idea. I would like to find an accountability friend. If it's someone who wants do do the same with me, maybe it would be better because we could help each other and "push" each other. But if you're not struggling with this, no problem, just please make sure you will not be triggered by any of this because I don't want my problems to become your problems. Ok going back to my idea - sorry if I lost my trail of thoughts - I imagined like daily messages saying what we managed to eat, if we managed to reach the specific quantities indicated by the dieticians or not, if we allowed ourselves something extra, whatever. Each single step would be celebrated, and each single misstep would be understood and we would offer each others' kind words of encouragement for the following day.  Is there anyone here interested in something like this? You could also send me some private messages to get to know each other and analyze a little bit better this idea, and  then we can decide if we want to proceed or not. Thank you, I wish you all a good day!
Irregular Recovery
by Styrfoam
Last post
June 17th
...See more I've reached a point where I know that I either need to seriously work towards recovery or accept where i've put myself, because it isn't going to get better without work. The issue is I sometimes find myself wholeheartedly wanting to recover, and other times I find myself so scared of recovery that the thought disgusts me. I need advice on how to get my mind on the track of recovery. All of the "setting meal plans" and "logging food" doesn't work because it just causes me to restrict more. I don't have the self control to eat a normal amount for a sustainable amount of time and I need help getting around that. 
You Can Do It!
by KristenHR
Last post
May 24th
...See more As you can see, recovery is possible. What tools do you have in your toolkit for recovery from your eating disorder? What challenges do you need to face with your recovery journey? What strengths do you bring that are inside of you, and outside of you to help you with recovery? What affirmations, scriptures, songs, poetry or otherwise uplifting materials do you have or use to encourage yourself? You can do this.  Let me take this moment to encourage you, that anything you put your mind to, you have the ability to take one step at a time to move forward.  Applaud yourself when you make a positive step.  Applaud yourself when you give yourself a positive step.  Give yourself good wishes when you are struggling and remind yourself this is a marathon, not a sprint, and you will get through this next 5 minutes, next hour, or the rest of the day.
by Sheena39
Last post
May 23rd
...See more "The good news, however, is that also contrary to popular belief, full and lasting recovery from an eating disorder is possible." – Unknown
Recovery Plan
by KristenHR
Last post
March 6th
...See more When realizing that you have an eating disorder, it's important to think about how to work on recovery.  That means looking at some things that are needed to start to get a handle on what you can, and getting help for what you need assistance for.  * What do you want with recovery?  What do you want to do when you are in recovery? * Who can you reach out to that is part of your support system?  This can be family, friends, physician, therapist, support group or others. * Where can you go to help you make good choices rather than using eating disorder behaviors?  Think about places that help you to feel safe, that are neutral places, and places where you wouldn't be alone. * What can you do to help you with distraction when you are feeling like acting on your eating disorder or behaviors?  These are things that you may enjoy, things that can keep your attention for a while, or things that help you to change your mood such as your favorite movie, a comic, or other things. * What are healthy coping skills you can utilize when you are feeling urges to give in to your eating disorder?  Examples are using distress tolerance skills, grounding skills when triggered, or what helps you when you are struggling. * What does your eating disorder voice typically tell you and what can you tell your eating disorder voice to counteract that? * What's one goal that you can work on toward your recovery this week? This is just a start of what you can put in a recovery plan, but there is so much more you can put in it.  Adding as many options and things as you can think of makes it more beneficial. If you want to share your thoughts here, that would be great, as it can help others who are thinking about their plan.
I wanna gain maybe? 😮‍💨
by Ilikecatsandmitski
Last post
January 27th
...See more So like I’ve had a unhealthy connection with food and my body like what I eat directly affects what I look like 😀 and that led me to very tight restriction and getting down to <edit> at 5’1 which isn’t terrible but still underweight  my parents have been threatening to take me to a doctor specifically to get my weight checked 😒 SO I’ve been trying to gain (that and also my friends said I was getting flat and making fun of my “hollow” face) currently at <edit> and realizing I don’t look <edit> anymore 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯like i feel fat like obese every time I look in the mirror which isn’t new but like now I can’t weigh myself and see a number in the <edit> to comfort me so I’ve wanting to lose again even tho my goal is <edit> i have no one to talk to and no support fr It’s so frustrating 
New years resolution
by AvyIsKing
Last post
January 20th
...See more 2023 was a hard year for me. I'm recovering.  So I shall share one of my resolutions for this year.  Accept I am pretty without makeup. Accept that baggy t-shirt me is good enough. I dint need to loose weight. I'm going to let myself go back to my natural hair color (red) for the first time in a very long time.  It's going to be hard. I'm going to struggle. But I am a perfect person just being me 🥰🥰  I embrace my scars and my strechmarks and the parts of me that I consider ew.  I wish you all the happiest and a well new year 
another day of tricking my arfid into thinking food is not my enemy
by sadcat13
Last post
December 27th, 2023
...See more Hi. I´m cat and for those i haven´t crossed path with before, I have arfid with the fear of aversive consequences subtype. In a nutshell, food makes me scared of having an allergic reaction based on past negative experiences what turned out to be due to histamine intolerance years later. Part of my recovery involves learning that food is not my enemy. I found that engaging with food content helps me a lot when i struggle. Today, i took my usual coping strategy a step further, and since been in mood to journal a little, i decided to make myself a nutrition cheat sheet of vitamins and minerals and what foods i am ok with eating can i find them in to encourage myself with eating. Attaching a page of my entry, despite it not being a masterpiece, but oh well. I just feel happy about opening a door for myself to a better recovery by this new tool for additional motivation, and just throwing it out here in case it inspires someone to try it too as a way of reframing the way how we think of food.

Eating Disorder Support

Welcome to Eating Disorder Support! We are welcoming you with open arms and hope to be part of your recovery journey. All are welcome to participate, whether you are a family member watching a loved one struggling or struggling yourself. 

What are the different forum topics for Eating Disorder Support?

Anorexia Nervosa Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Anorexia Nervosa. 

Binge Eating Disorder Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Binge Eating.

Bulimia Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Bulimia.

Discussions & Check-ins: A place for general discussions and regular community check-ins.

General Support: Need any other support that doesn’t fit within another topic? Post it here!

Family and Friends of Individuals with Eating Disorders: Watching a loved on struggle with an Eating Disorder? Discuss it here.

Introductions, Fun & Games: A place to introduce yourself and take part in a variety of fun, games and icebreakers.

Recovery & Moving On: Recovering from an Eating Disorder? Share your story here!

How can I help?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable). Check-in with us, join a discussion, or start one! Alternatively, you can join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information.

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Eating Disorder FAQ

Q: Are there any sub-community-specific guidelines that we need to adhere to?

A: You can find Sub-community-specific guidelines below, which you should follow in addition to the general forum guidelines.

Help! I still have a question! 

If you need help, feel free to contact a community leader or post here, and someone will contact you!

Community Guidelines

The following are some guidelines specific to the Eating Disorder Sub-Community that we request you to follow along with the general Forum Guidelines. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure a safe and supportive space for everyone, within this sub-community.

  • Refrain from mentioning specific weights or calorie counts to avoid triggering others.
  • Remember this is a support community - we should all be supportive of each other’s stories and struggles.
  • Everyone’s struggles are different; please avoid encouraging anyone to lose or gain weight.
  • Avoid overly graphic content and mark potentially sensitive posts with a ‘Trigger Warning’ at the top line of the post.
  • Pro-eating disorder content will not be tolerated.
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Community Mentor / Teen Community Star