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i need help??

notharinn March 31st

hey guys?? i feel so *** rn and im crying as i write this. so i used to suffer from anorexia and i dealt with a lot of health issues due to undereating. i lost my period and my doctor told me to start eating more. but ever since i started my recovery, i’ve been binging so often. it’s been a few months now and recently ive been binging almost everyday. i just had the worst binge of my life. i used to be so scared of ice cream and i hated it, but just today i had a whole pint of ice cream even tho i have fever! i can’t believe this keeps happening to me, how much ever i try to stop it just happens anyways. but this time it scared me, i dont wanna do this anymore. i feel like now that i’ve given myself freedom to eat, im so overwhelmed that im obsessed with food and i cant stop eating. how do you guys deal with binge eating? does it ever get better? 

KristenHR April 2nd


I'm glad you're sharing.  I'm hearing how difficult this is for you.  People do recover from binge eating disorder from binge eating disorder.  Also, know that with anorexia, there is an adjustment time for your body to stabilize with eating after having not had the nutrients. 

What are you doing to comfort you during this time?  I imagine that with the stress from all of this it is very emotionally draining.

notharinn OP April 15th


well the only thing that helps me keep my mind off of food is exercise. it always makes me feel better and usually on the days i go to the gym i dont binge. its so hard for me to even socialise now cuz whenever im with my friends all i want to do it go back home and eat. 

Yashoda108 April 26th

Sending you my loving kindness. You are worthy of a beautiful life ahead. Stay hopeful you will learn new skills to stay in A strong and safe place