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I feel very bad about my eating habits

tealMelon1154 August 4th, 2023

Recently my ED has manifested itself with my anxiety. Everything I eat I either throw up or munch in my mouth for a bit then place it in a napkin. It's gross but doing it helps reduce my guilt of eating. What are some tips that I can follow to stop feeling bad about eating or should I exercise more to eat?

justjack2001 August 5th, 2023


I'm not a medical professional, but I can offer some general suggestions. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to address your concerns properly. To improve your relationship with food and address feelings of guilt:

1. Seek professional help: Consider talking to a therapist, counselor, or a specialist who can provide support and guidance for both anxiety and eating disorder issues.

2. Mindful eating: Focus on the taste, texture, and enjoyment of food. Try to eat slowly and savor each bite, paying attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues.

3. Balanced meals: Aim for a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods, ensuring you get all the necessary nutrients your body needs.

4. Positive self-talk: Challenge negative thoughts about eating and your body. Replace them with affirmations and compassionate self-talk.

5. Regular exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity that you enjoy, but remember not to use it as a way to compensate for eating.

6. Support network: Share your struggles with someone you trust and ask for their support throughout your journey.

Remember, seeking professional help is crucial to address eating disorders effectively. Be patient and kind to yourself during this process.

KristenHR August 5th, 2023


I'm really glad that you are reaching out. Anxiety can be a big issues as well as the eating disorder. When one of those goes sideways, the other can get bigger.

The first thing I want to say, is it's good that you recognize that you are having anxiety with your eating disorder, and you are recognizing the behaviors. I do agree with the response below about seeking professional help to deal with what the eating disorder is about. You deserve the best, and your eating disorder is creating a limitation with that.

Your reaching out is a great start. Another consideration is an in-person support group where you can meet others who are struggling with very similar issues and working toward recovery.

So glad you posted! Please keep reaching out.