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self diagnosed

Iliveonbooksalone August 26th, 2022

can you self diagnose eds? bc i haven't seen a doctor nutritionist and im never going to but i feel like i do display ed behaviours right? bc today i was talking to someone and she said that people who self diagnose mental health issues are really bad and i'm definitely self diagnosing ed but i'm probably fine right ahahah but if i'm fine that means i should keep restricting until someone notices right

theriverissinging August 26th, 2022


hello! if you display ED behaviors and feel like you would benefit from a possible diagnosis or assessment, an official one could only come from a licensed professional. how did her saying that people who self-diagnose are bad make you feel? i personally do not see a point in attaching a moral value to any diagnosis or self-diagnosis, for that matter. getting support and help doesn't have to be a matter of diagnosis, although i understand it may feel like it and there are many systemic and personal pros and cons that come with a diagnosis. what makes you think you are fine restricting until someone notices? if someone notices, how would things change if at all? it's brave of you to reach out for help today, and i hope you continue to do that whenever you feel like it. it can be very hard battling possible disordered eating behaviors alone, so know that you are not alone and we ‘notice’ you. ❤️

Iliveonbooksalone OP August 26th, 2022


i feel like i won't get a diagnosis bc the mental health field isn't too good in my country and im scared if i go to a doctor they might try to inpatient me if i dont get better and that will impact my college applications so... i felt kind of bad when she said it? bc i ate wayy too much today as well so i feel like maybe i don't have an ed? plus if no one notices that i'm "not eating enough" then either i'm eating enough as it is or it's not serious i guess so that's why
and thank u so much for taking the time to respond and for being so nice < 33
theriverissinging August 27th, 2022


that's bad going to a doctor is more worrisome than not going? i do get the concern of it all impacting so many things in life, including education. i can see why you felt bad, i would too in your place, it wasn't very considerate of where you were coming from if she was aware. EDs / such habits are definitely more than simply not eating or eating less; overeating and bingeing or feeling like you did so despite not doing that being one of them. i can see how it not looking bothersome to others on the outside makes you think it might not be serious. though if you feel concerned to talk about it, there's probably something that is bothering you, which is understandable. do you expect someone would notice, if so anyone specific you'd like to be noticed by? it does seem like you are struggling though, and i think acknowledging that helps. ❤️ all the ‘outwardly signs’ aside of you struggling or not, let us know if you need anything and we'd be happy to support in any ways we can.

Iliveonbooksalone OP August 27th, 2022


thank you so much! no she had no idea i was struggling with this haha we met that day at an event and she was just talking but yeah no one in my irl except like 2 friends know and i lie a lot and hide it from everyone else so it makes sense they don't notice but still ppl used to ask me if i lost weight and comment on how skinny i was and now they don't although i'm at the same weight so idk how that makes me feel
and sorry i'm kind of monopolising ur time with these many replies lol but thank you for being so nice!
theriverissinging August 28th, 2022


of course not, feel free to share all you want - happy to support if it's helpful!

makes sense to you lying and hiding it a lot except for your 2 friends, i can relate to that. would seeking support from them / just having a casual talk about this be an option? that would be weird for sure when people previously used to make such comments but now don't, wonder what changed if anything.

how long has your relationship with food/eating been this way? anything that you think ‘triggered’ it?

Iliveonbooksalone OP August 29th, 2022


it's been only almost a year, not that long, but i think it started as a way to cope with my stress and depression maybe?

theriverissinging August 31st, 2022

@Iliveonbooksalone ah understandable, how it started / is related to the stress and depression. how has it changed / been like over the year?

Iliveonbooksalone OP September 6th, 2022


i feel like at first it felt really good (when i wasn't restricting that much) and then a few months ago it was at its worst and i got to my lowest weight but then i started overeating again and gained some back and now i'm alternating between restricting and binging. it's weird, bc i can't really restrict properly but like at the same time (number) calories feels like too much even though i don't think it's a lot? so i try to restrict more and then binge again...

thanks for asking! how are you doing (if that's not rude to ask)?

TheAlchemist1111 August 28th, 2022


Hi, I also had ED years ago and took me one and half year to notice that something is wrong with me when it become worst. I consulted with my family doctor , he along with a therapist helped me. I was shocked to know that the root cause of all this was depression. I didn't had any idea that I was going through depression. Then by following exercises and routines given by the doctor I got out of both ED and depression that too without heavy medication.

Please consult with a doctor before it gets serious and damaging. I got through the worst, can understand the situation.

Take care

theriverissinging September 9th, 2022


that makes sense, friend. it can be a vicious cycle of restricting and binging, it does not make sense to the mind but it also does at the same time so we feel like continuing the same behaviors / it’s also comforting in ways perhaps? it would be really difficult to alternate and manage through all that, having “no ground” where you can feel satisfied, also having to deal with other things in life / just being at the same time.

and i’m good, thank you for asking too. 💕

nicoandthedudesinhishead September 29th, 2022

@Iliveonbooksalone self diagnosis is how ppl get diagnosed in the first place! you have to believe you have the disorder to request testing/therapy, and i personally believe in self diagnosis