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Possible TW? I don’t know what’s wrong with me or what to do.

reliableApricot7972 December 7th, 2022

Hi, so I’m really struggling and don’t know what to do.

I’ve struggled for more years than I can remember with eating, wanting to lose weight. I was in hospital 2 years ago and was a ‘healthy weight’ so got diagnosed with Disordered eating meaning the eating disorders services won’t help me.

I was NG tube fed for months and in hospital on and off for the last 2 years. I’ve lost weight and my BMI is now apparently dangerously low, but still get no support as it’s not an ‘eating disorder’.

I’m now in a wheelchair due to severe hip pain and have been for 18 months. After numerous opinions and scans, they now believe it’s due to my weight and my bones can’t deal with me walking. But despite this, still no support.

I’m now at a point I don’t even want the support though, they’ve belittled me so many times and made me feel so bad about myself and invalid that I don’t want their help. All I want is to lose weight. But at the same time, I want to walk again and the thought of being able to walk but gaining weight is terrifying. Despite what dr’s are saying, I still see me as being overweight, they can see my bones but all I can feel is fat.

I’m struggling so much with my eating at the moment, I’ve now brought gummies to try help me lose weight along with laxatives, I’m eating a mouthful or 2 of dinner each day and what I do eat I bring back up after. My hairs falling out and thinning, I can’t think properly, I’m cold ALL the time and just feel so weak, as if I’m about to pass out every time I move. How do I change? My GP and family say it’s anorexia, but without the diagnosis of the eating disorders team, I get no support. I don’t even know what it is - is it anorexia? Or is it disordered eating? I just don’t know and I don’t know what to do anymore.

koli December 9th, 2022

Ohhh, i am so sorry that your condition is misunderstood !! Pop in my chat if you wanna talk about this, i have also trouble eating, but ive never been much underweight, but i still can relate to basic stuff you stated here.

Sending love xoxo

reliableApricot7972 OP December 10th, 2022

Thank you that’s really kind of you. It’s so hard, hope you are okay and getting any support that you need! xoxo

Coco08061969 December 15th, 2022


*TW-Mentions Eating Disorders*
Hey! As someone who has struggled with disordered eating patterns, I can understand a bit what you are going through. It must be so frustrating to not have your struggle be validated by friends and healthcare workers. It makes me so sad to see doctors and nurses not paying enough attention to peoples problems, or making superficial judgements. I don't know you, but I can promise you that you will feel so much better if you recover. Challenge yourself to eat a little bit more every day. Find foods that are wholesome, filling and that you find delicious. I wish you happiness.

Please be gentle with yourself, and remember that your worth is not equal to your weight or how much you've eaten in a day 💙