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I just wanna be skinny

amusingWater7375 December 12th, 2022

It’s all I’ve ever wanted. I’ll finally be happy when I’m skinny. So many of my problems will disappear. I refuse to accept myself until I have the body I want. But it’s impossible for me to get skinny because my parents are always forcing me to eat. I’ll never be skinny and my life just seems pointless now. I’ll never be happy.

Peter45 December 12th, 2022


amusingWater7375 OP December 12th, 2022


understandingOcean8592 December 28th, 2022

Hi ,

Ii just want to let you know i love you and you will accept yourself someday!its is possible! I was in a similar situation. We all want what we can't have .Ive had momens in my life where i would gain some weight and then wanted to lose it again because i thought i looked fat . And when i did lost weight, i wanted to gain weight again . Honestly , its like a rabbit hole . You will be happy when you accept yourself . Have a talk with your parents please ,tell them how you feel and i suggest you see a therapist . Its going to help so much

Take care! I love you

amusingWater7375 OP December 28th, 2022

Honestly, I’ll only accept myself when I’m skinny. That’s just it. That’s never gonna change. And my parents are part of the problem. I’ve talked to them many times but they dismissed my feelings every time because I’m under 18 and apparently that means I don’t know anything. Is it so wrong that I want to have a body that i personally would accept? Why is it such a problem that I refuse to accept myself now?

LaneyM916 December 28th, 2022

@amusingWater7375 I totally relate to this.

JustHumanThatsNotPerfect December 29th, 2022

@amusingWater7375 I understand why you are distressed. Been there myself. Dealing with now too .But don't think that your life's pointless.You can’t be replaced. Not everyone will see that, but only you need to