I have a problem with fat burners
It seems like I have tried every fat burner under the sun. I simply have a hard time counting calories and sticking to it. Its so very hard to not indulge in food when I feel SO LOW when im hungy. The physical sensation of the "need to eat" craving is too much to handel. Fat burners have made this feeling go away but I always gain more weight afterwards more then I lost. What should I do?
Here are some ideas that may or may not apply to you
(they're not recommendations, just ideas).
My main ways to eliminate hunger sensations were to:
control my carb intake per serving so in healthy zone
(very very important)
drink sips of water through out the day, esp if get a hunger sensation
eliminate all sugar, including fruit and get my nutrients from vegetables instead
eliminate all junk food, stop buying it, eat only real food that isn't heavily processed low nutrition or with lots of unhealthy additives
replace fast digested, fast burning foods with slow version foods
eliminate flour products, baked goods, replace with better foods that don't burn fast
eliminate added salt, sugar, fat
drink only water, elminate all fruit juices or sweetened drinks or alcohol
eliminate all empty calorie foods (foods with calories but no significant nutrition)
design my meals for the day and stick with that so know what I am eating daily (that helps me pace myself)
bring my food with me for lunch etc so I best control what I'm eating
measure what I eat and design portion sizes that just fill me, not more
reduce stress
TL/DR details below:
I designed meal plans for myself based on nutrition level analysis using free web app https://cronometer.com I designed my meals so they give me the target nutrition I need and not too little or too much. All within safe ranges.
Then I always use those meal plans so I know what I'm going to eat all day. That daily consistency really helped me stabilize my situation. It also made it easier to shop and improve my meal plans more and more.
I use a food scale and measuring cups and measuring spoons so I always eat the planned amounts.
My meals I designed so I am getting all the daily nutrients I need from real foods I eat. I eliminated all non-real food (heavily process foods that comes in a box and doesn't look like a real food like a vegetable or bean or seed).
I eliminated as much sugar as possible by changing what I bought. That really really helped reduce strange sensations of hunger for no reason.
I also reduced by fast carbs each meal so within limits that don't spike blood sugar and cause blood sugar crash and hunger later. That really helped too.
I eat food with protein early in the morning so the digestion is slow, not fast like from cereals or baked goods.
I eliminated all flour products because they are fast carbs. I replaced them with slow carbs or other types of foods.
I don't eat any junk food, no snack foods or baked foods, no foods that come in a box.
I eat all real food. No added sugars.
No fruit juices. I drink mainly water.
I avoid fruits and get my vitamins from vegetables and other foods instead so I avoid the sugar from fruits.
I use a lot of frozen vegetables of different types, and dry red lentils, and barley, and rolled oats, and canned salmon, and sunflower seeds, and other healthy foods that provide more than all the nutrients I need daily per analysis I did on https://cronometer.com
I cook a lot of the foods in batches and put them in the refrigerator the night before. That lets some of the foods with starch turn into resistant starch which lowers their calories and glycemic load and makes them better for the gut microbiome health.
I spread out my calories all day long so my blood sugar levels stay steady all day. Then I don't feel hungry due to big swings in blood sugar.
I drink sips of water every now and then (I have a water cup always by my side, with a stainless steel straw and yellow rubber tip). I drink tap water that I leave in a pitcher overnight so the chlorine evaporates so it tastes just like bottled water then but is essentially free from the tap.
I get good sleep each day of the week and go to sleep at consistent times at night and wake up at consistent times in AM.
I get lots of physical activity daily and try to spread it out as much as possible, especially after eating. That is supposed to help train the muscle cells to burn sugar in the blood properly rather than become resistant.
Search my forum posts for lots of fun ways to move videos (they have CAPITAL LETTER TITLES) https://www.7cups.com/forum/search.php?searchForum=7motivation
All that worked really really well for me. It's easy to do daily now that I set it all up in advance. Now I just repeat.
And it's very inexpensive yet very healthy.
Please forgive any typos above.
@7motivation I'm really really sorry for saying this, but what you say you are doing doesn't sounds healthy. No sugar at all, no fat, no whatever. Sounds like the recipe for how to get anorexia. The more you make foods forbidden the more you will want it. So that can go three ways: 1) You restrict heavily and get anorexia or 2) You get even fatter, but foods are "forbidden or 3) you get bulimia.
And I can only say this, bc that's how I began. That's how I got atypical anorexia.
Thank you very much for your concern.
I appreciate your situation and why you're concerned.
I should have explained myself better.
I get plenty of sugar, fat, and salt from whole foods I eat.
I get a lot more than enough, but not too much.
I always feel full after eating and never get hunger-cravings
because I always..
eat mostly bulky, high fiber, low calorie, low density foods that will fill me and keep me feeling full longer
eat foods that do not cause leptin resistance so I feel full when I should after eating
(and I avoid foods that mess with feeling full when one should, like SUGAR)
eat portion sizes that don't cause blood sugar spikes and crashes,
that way always I feel full after eating and don't get hungry quickly after
eat slow digesting foods that make one feel full longer
eat drink mostly water, and sip it throughout the day so I don't get dehydrated and don't get a false hunger sensations from dehydration
So I get all the sugar and fat I need from the whole foods I select
rather than have a food manufacturer add it as an ingredient when they mix things together.
I have a very varied daily diet.
I replaced bad things for me with good things for me.
That's adding things as far as I'm concerned
(adding many more good things in place of a few bad things).
My diet has a lot more variety than it ever had before.
I get well more than the nutrients I need from the food I eat.
I just eat mainly real food whole food, and avoid highly processed food that is inherently unhealthy.
I'm consistently eating over my required calorie intake so I maintain my weight.
My weight has been the same for the last 10 years without any effort on my part.
I weigh the same now as I did in my early 20's. I can fit in the same clothes I wore then.
I still have tiny tiny "handle bars" but they're going away slowly now that I'm doing more aerobics.
So soon I really will be nice and trim like I was when I was 22.
Here's my Cronometer.com nutrition data for 1 day
Energy 2531.9 kcal 124.00%
Carbs Total 294.2 g 129.00% (I eat slow carbs, most from "resistant starch", and in small portions per sitting)
Fiber 67.2 g 224.00%
Starch 176.3 g
Sugars Total 33.8 g (all of this sugar is from whole food (vegetables, sw potatoes, etc)
Fructose 3.8 g
Galactose 0 g
Glucose 4.1 g
Lactose 0 g
Maltose 8.5 g
Sucrose 17.2 g
Added Sugars 0 g
Sugar Alcohol 0.8 g
Net Carbs 226.9 g (carbs minus fiber)
The term “net carbs” simply refers to carbs that are absorbed by the body. To calculate the net carbs in whole foods, subtract the fiber from the total number of carbs. To calculate the net carbs in processed foods, subtract the fiber and a portion of the sugar alcohols.
Fat Total 84.8 g
Monounsaturated 32.1 g
Polyunsaturated 30.2 g
Omega-3 5.3 g (my Omega-3 / Omega -6 ratio is okay, could be better)
Omega-6 23.7 g
Saturated 10.6 g
Trans-Fats 0.1 g
Cholesterol 226.1 mg
Vitamins from food alone
B1 (Thiamine) 2.9 mg 241.00%
B2 (Riboflavin) 2.3 mg 176.00%
B3 (Niacin) 48 mg 300.00%
B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 7.4 mg 148.00%
B6 (Pyridoxine) 4.4 mg 260.00%
B12 (Cobalamin) 18.1 µg 753.00%
Choline 639.8 mg 116.00%
Folate 760.4 µg 190.00%
Vitamin A 76176 IU 539.00%
Vitamin C 106.8 mg 118.00%
Vitamin D 2248.2 IU 374.00%
Vitamin E 41.6 mg 277.00%
Vitamin K 777.2 µg 647.00%
Minerals from food alone
Calcium 1407.5 mg 140.00%
Copper 4.7 mg 519.00%
Iron 25.2 mg 315.00%
Magnesium 828.6 mg 197.00%
Manganese 9.4 mg 409.00%
Phosphorus 3022.1 mg 431.00%
Potassium 5343.9 mg 113.00%
Selenium 238.2 µg 433.00%
Sodium 2059.6 mg 411.00%
Zinc 17.6 mg 159.00%
Here's where my ALL my sugar comes from real food for 1 day for example
Sweet Potato, Baked 16.5 g sugar
Mixed Vegetables, Corn, Lima Beans, Peas, Green Beans and Carrots, Plain, Cooked from Frozen 10.6 g
Seeds, Sunflower Seed Kernels, Dried 2.2 g
Brussels Sprouts, Cooked from Frozen 1.8 g
Barley, Pearled, Dry 1.3 g
Spinach, cooked from frozen 1.0 g
Oatmeal, Regular or Quick, Dry 0.4 g
Here's where my ALL my fat comes from real food for 1 day for example
Seeds, Sunflower Seed Kernels, Dried 43.8 g fat
Fish, Salmon, Pink, 20.4 g
Olive, Pure Olive Oil 13.5 g
Oatmeal, Regular or Quick, Dry 2.6 g
Lentils, Pink or Red, Raw 2.1 g
Barley, Pearled, Dry 1.2 g
Mixed Vegetables, Corn, Lima Beans, Peas, Green Beans and Carrots, Plain, Cooked from Frozen 0.5 g
Sweet Potato, Baked 0.4 g
Brussels Sprouts, Cooked from Frozen 0.3 g
This was a good mental exercise for me. I need to keep refining my expanation to get it shorter.
Please forgive any typos above.
OP here.
So im trying out Keto and intermintant fasting. day 2. Wish me luck! I will come back here with progress
Hi there,
The keto and intermittent fasting diet is a celeb favourite but can actually do your body much more harm than good! I'd advise having three healthy meals a day, stay hydrated and exercise.