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Self-Care Challenge
by KristenHR
Last post
September 19th
...See more Self-care is a necessary part of recovery, though it has many, many ways to being done.  A lot of times people think that self-care needs to have time set aside that we spend an hour or a day just to do self-care.  I'm here today to challenge you to do self-care this week and to challenge your thinking on what self-care is! Self-care is a conscious act people take to promote their physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. It can be something that is done in as short as 5 - 10 minutes or as long as a week.  It can be something done regularly or something done randomly.  It can be an old faithful activity, or something that you've never tried before. Let's discuss self-care for a bit. When you think about self-care in recovery, what comes to mind for you? What kinds of things do you do for your self-care that you find helps and works for you that others might find helpful, and how much time do you spend doing it? How did you decide which things to do for your self-care?  Did anyone help you get started? What is one thing this week that you could do for you that would be beneficial to your recovery that is taking care of you, and just being kind to you in the form of self-care? Please join me in discussing this and let's share how we utilize self-care in our recovery from eating disorders and other life challenges. Kristen
Introducing... Eating Disorder Care Package
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 5th
...See more We are excited to announce a new initiative: Small Steps and Support Care Package for individuals on their journey to recovery from eating disorders. This care package is filled with handpicked information and resources aimed at promoting self-care, mindfulness, and encouragement. They're not a replacement for professional treatment, but a small token of support to let someone know they're not alone and their journey is recognized.  What's included? * Coping Skills  * Relapse Prevention Plan * Steps to take care of yourself * Various resources and links You can view/ download the Eating Disorder Care Package here [] Feel free to bookmark, or share it with anyone who might need it. Your care and support would make a difference in someone's recovery journey!  @heather225 @KristenHR @dancat1128
Eating Disorder Support Automated Taglist - New
by theriverissinging
Last post
August 4th
...See more This thread controls an auto-updating taglist. To see the current list, go to Eating Disorder Support Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words “Please add me.” To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words, “Please remove me.” Taglist to be used for check-ins, discussions, events and announcements. ------------------------- we'll be compiling the latest taglist through a process outlined here [] every time we make a post.
February 2022 Events - National Eating Disorders Awareness Week!
by rrretsuko
Last post
September 19th
...See more hi, everyone ! <3 i hope you're all doing well :) starting today, february 21, this year's national eating disorders week has begun ! national eating disorders awareness week helps encourage people to engage in advocacy and raise awareness of eating disorders in their communities ! whether you struggle with anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, pica, osfed (other specified), etc., you are completely valid and you absolutely can achieve a successful recovery <3 anyone-- no matter their age, gender, weight, body type, etc. can struggle with an eating disorder (even if it's behind closed doors). it's extremely important that we take the time to raise awareness and educate others on the truth about eating disorders ! they can be so destructive for some, and that is why i am so happy we have this lovely community to help make things at least a little bit better for those with eating disorders :) as someone who has been diagnosed with an eating disorder (anorexia nervosa), recovery can take quite some time <3 but that's okay and it's important to remember that it differs for everyone :) one other vital thing to note is that relapsing is normal-- the road to recovery is not easy at all, and we can slip up along the way. don't let that discourage you ! recovery can be achieved and obstacles can be overcome, even if it does take time here are some things you can try to remind yourself of along your journey : ❤️ you are beautiful ❤️ you are valid ❤️ you are doing a great job ❤️ you are worthy of love, self-care and care from others, support, and help ❤️ you can get through this ❤️ and, you have a whole community behind you :) <3 how is your journey to recovery going ? feel free to share what challenges have you may have encountered and if you have managed to overcome those challenges <3 or, even one thing you have learned along the way ? <3 we would love to hear from you !
Eating Disorder Support Automated Taglist - New
by theriverissinging
Last post
August 4th
...See more This thread controls an auto-updating taglist. To see the current list, go to Eating Disorder Support Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words “Please add me.” To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words, “Please remove me.” Taglist to be used for check-ins, discussions, events and announcements. ------------------------- we'll be compiling the latest taglist through a process outlined here [] every time we make a post.
**Eating Disorder Check-ins** Week of June 30 - July 6, 2024
by KristenHR
Last post
July 20th
...See more I hope this week brings you much joy and another step closer to recovery. Find the questions above for this week.  We'd love to hear how your recovery journey is going, as well as how you are doing.
**Eating Disorder Check-ins** Week of July 14, 2024
by KristenHR
Last post
July 16th
...See more Hi Everyone!  I hope this week is starting out well. I'd like to bring up self-care this week.  As you look at the graphic above, are there any particular things there or activities of your own that you'd like to do for self-care this week?  Is there anything that you enjoy doing already on a regular basis? I'd love to hear from you and what self-care activity you'd like to implement this week whether from the graphic above or one of your own.
**Eating Disorder Check-ins** Week of July 7, 2024
by KristenHR
Last post
July 10th
...See more Welcome to a new week! Hard to believe it is the second week of July already.  What do you want to accomplish this month for self-care?  What do you want to accomplish this month for your recovery journey?  What is one thing or thought you'd like to work on this month to applaud yourself for your hard work this month? Keep taking this one step at a time on your journey.  It is not a straight path, but rather multiple steps like climbing a rugged hill.  You sometimes have a straight path on the hill, and other times you have to step carefully because the stones are loose, and sometimes you even slide back a bit and have to get better footing. Please share how you're doing and your goals.
**Eating Disorder Check-ins** Month of April 2024
by KristenHR
Last post
May 6th
...See more April is here tomorrow.  As the graphic says, Do Recovery at your pace.  You know your needs. ------------------------- Check in with us this month and keep us updated on how you are doing and what you would need.  Let your voice be heard.
Eating Disorder Community Chats - 2024
by KristenHR
Last post
February 16th
...See more Join us every other week for discussion chats this year. ------------------------- If you wish to be added or removed from the taglist, please go here []. @agreeableWest1354 @Catanaandmiagirl @courteousCar9137 @creativeDart @cyanPlatypus6370 @Deadtiredperson175 @dinomaskmaker1987 @dream88catcher @enlightenedDew4105 @eunicengg @friendlyEve3 @Georginahowe @GwydionRowan @Holly74 @koli @KristenHR @lxveyoongi @Michelh1996 @MinecraftMob @Ruby2468 @Rubylistens22 @sadcat13 @Suen00 @TheMadHatterWasHere @Warriorprincess47
Eating Disorder Community Chats
by KristenHR
Last post
December 28th, 2023
...See more Join us for discussion chats in our Eating Disorder Community. Adults - Friday, Dec 1 at 3 pm Eastern in the Eating Disorder support room.  Teens - Saturday, Dec 2 at 12 pm Eastern in the Teen Disorder support room.  The room will open 5-10 minutes prior to the discussion chat begins.  Please join us! Eating Disorder Guidelines * Refrain from mentioning specific weights or calorie counts to avoid triggering others. * Remember this is a support community - we should all be supportive of each other’s stories and struggles. * Everyone’s struggles are different; please avoid encouraging anyone to lose or gain weight. * Avoid overly graphic content and mark potentially sensitive posts with a ‘Trigger Warning’ at the top line of the post. * Pro-eating disorder content will not be tolerated. ------------------------- If you wish to be added or removed from the taglist, please go here []. @agreeableWest1354 @Catanaandmiagirl @courteousCar9137 @creativeDart @cyanPlatypus6370 @dinomaskmaker1987 @dream88catcher @enlightenedDew4105 @eunicengg @friendlyEve3 @Georginahowe @GwydionRowan @Holly74 @koli @KristenHR @lxveyoongi @Michelh1996 @MinecraftMob @Ruby2468 @Rubylistens22 @sadcat13 @TheMadHatterWasHere @Warriorprincess47 @ASilentObserver
From emotional eating to loss of Appetite
by VioletSurvival0
Last post
December 14th, 2023
...See more Huy guys,  So I am going through something I never experienced regarding my eating disorder. I have struggled with emotinal and binge eating disorder for more than 7 years now, sometimes I gained <edit> in few months. I used to eat whenever I feel pain or lonely or hurt or in need of love, whenever I feel empty or being swoallowen by a huge black hole of despair. Sometimes I felt like I had to push food into my mouth until I suffocate myself. And it always ended up with a lot of giult, a lot of disguest with myself, and sometimes laying on my bed and feeling like I am a pile of shetty garbage.  In the last three months I experieced another kind of eating disorder that I never been into in my whole life. After the loss of someone I loved, getting to know that he is going to be married with a woman his parents chose for him; suddenly I don't feel like eating. I have no appetite at all, even twoard things I used to really like and crave, or twoard sweets that once helped me improving my mood. Even when I eat things I used to like, I don't enjoy it anymore.  I would stay the whole day without food, and I won't even feel like eating. Sometimes I feel like I am going to throw up when I am eating, I will leave the table before I finish my plate. Mostly I will have only one meal per day, rarely two, and whatever I am eating happens only to help me survive my day at work. I lost <edit> in less than three months without a diet, nor an exercise, just for loss of appetite. I have extreme stomach pain all the time, but my physical checkups are all fine. So it's not physical.  Does anyone know if it's normal to change the eating disorder type from the extreme opposite to the extreme opposite like this? BTW, for now it's not getting dangeroiuse because I am losing the <edit> I gained one year ago, but I think later this could be a problem, isn't it? Thanks if you read until here, I would like to hear what you think of this.  Best
**Eating Disorder Check-ins** Week of Dec 3 - 9
by KristenHR
Last post
December 9th, 2023
...See more   Can you believe it's now the start of the first full week of December?  The year is quickly drawing to a close.  With this being the start of holiday season, I think it's important for us to really think about self-care through the holidays.  Things can get very hectic and busy between appointments, shopping, gatherings with family/friends (if you have them), meal planning, recovery activities and treatment and other life activities that we do on a daily basis outside of the holidays.  It's this time of year that finances may tend to be more difficult as well because of feeling like there is a need to give gifts to those we care about even when we may not be able to afford it. As we check-in this week, in addition to how you're doing, I'd like to inquire as to how you are going to intentionally take steps to care for you this month as it may get busier and busier closer to the end of the month.  What activities of self-care and stress management work for you (think short amounts of time and longer amounts of time) What might be something you'd like to try that you've considered but haven't tried so far for self-care or stress management? I'd love to hear how you are doing and what your thoughts are on self-care during the holidays.
**Eating Disorder Check-ins** Week of Nov 6 - Dec 2**
by KristenHR
Last post
December 2nd, 2023
...See more It's hard to believe it's the last week of November, and we are entering into December.  Because the holidays are difficult, we will be spending some extra time the two weeks prior to Christmas with specialized threads in our community on recovery and coping with the holidays.  We'll also have some specialized discussion chats on the same topics, but individualized to particular eating disorder groups. There is more to come on this later. This week for check-ins, I'd like to ask how you are doing, as the graphic above shows.  Please check-in and share with us how you are doing and we as a community can support each other.  Please remember our community guidelines to reduce triggers (no numbers or time spent exercising) and keep the thread safe for everyone.  That said, it is okay to share whether you are doing well or really struggling.  I really want to know how we can support you! Kristen ------------------------- If you wish to be added or removed from the taglist, please go here []. @agreeableWest1354 @Catanaandmiagirl @courteousCar9137 @creativeDart @cyanPlatypus6370 @dinomaskmaker1987 @dream88catcher @enlightenedDew4105 @eunicengg @friendlyEve3 @Georginahowe @GwydionRowan @Holly74 @koli @KristenHR @lxveyoongi @Michelh1996 @MinecraftMob @Ruby2468 @Rubylistens22 @TheMadHatterWasHere @Warriorprincess47
Thankful Tuesday - Discussion Chat - November 21, 2023
by KristenHR
Last post
November 24th, 2023
...See more ADULTS - Join us tomorrow, (Tuesday), November 21st, at 3 pm Eastern (New York Time) for a discussion hat on what you are thankful for.  This will be approximately 30 minutes to spend some time together to think about what we enjoy and are grateful for.  The room will open 5-10 minutes prior to the chat. Please join us! TEENS - Join us tomorrow, (Tuesday), November 21st, at 4:30 pm Eastern (New York Time) for a discussion chat on what you are thankful for.  This will be approximately 30 minutes to spend some time together to think about what we enjoy and are grateful for.  The room will open 5-10 minutes prior to the chat. Please join us!

Eating Disorder Support

Welcome to Eating Disorder Support! We are welcoming you with open arms and hope to be part of your recovery journey. All are welcome to participate, whether you are a family member watching a loved one struggling or struggling yourself. 

What are the different forum topics for Eating Disorder Support?

Anorexia Nervosa Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Anorexia Nervosa. 

Binge Eating Disorder Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Binge Eating.

Bulimia Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Bulimia.

Discussions & Check-ins: A place for general discussions and regular community check-ins.

General Support: Need any other support that doesn’t fit within another topic? Post it here!

Family and Friends of Individuals with Eating Disorders: Watching a loved on struggle with an Eating Disorder? Discuss it here.

Introductions, Fun & Games: A place to introduce yourself and take part in a variety of fun, games and icebreakers.

Recovery & Moving On: Recovering from an Eating Disorder? Share your story here!

How can I help?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable). Check-in with us, join a discussion, or start one! Alternatively, you can join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information.

Helpful Threads

Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our tag list to be notified whenever there is a new discussion or update within the community!

Eating Disorder FAQ

Q: Are there any sub-community-specific guidelines that we need to adhere to?

A: You can find Sub-community-specific guidelines below, which you should follow in addition to the general forum guidelines.

Help! I still have a question! 

If you need help, feel free to contact a community leader or post here, and someone will contact you!

Community Guidelines

The following are some guidelines specific to the Eating Disorder Sub-Community that we request you to follow along with the general Forum Guidelines. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure a safe and supportive space for everyone, within this sub-community.

  • Refrain from mentioning specific weights or calorie counts to avoid triggering others.
  • Remember this is a support community - we should all be supportive of each other’s stories and struggles.
  • Everyone’s struggles are different; please avoid encouraging anyone to lose or gain weight.
  • Avoid overly graphic content and mark potentially sensitive posts with a ‘Trigger Warning’ at the top line of the post.
  • Pro-eating disorder content will not be tolerated.
Community Leaders
Community Mentor / Teen Community Star