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i can’t stop binge eating

notharinn May 4th

I grew up as the fat kid and in high school i decided i wanted to loose weight. and i succeeded, i underate and lost ton of weight. suddenly ppl started complimenting me and i felt pretty so i felt this pressure to keep this identity as a skinny person. i dont know when it started but i began binge eating. and as time goes, it keeps getting worse and worse. the intensity of the binges become worse and it becomes more frequent. it used to be once a month, then it became once a week, then it was once a day and now its twice a day! i dont know what to do. the thought of becoming my old fat self again terrifies me, but yet i continue to binge. will this ever stop? will i ever get better? do you guys have any suggestions on how i can recover?

KristenHR May 6th


I'm glad you posted.  Noticing the problem is the first step to being able to take steps to decide what to do to make changes.  Have you considered talking to your school counselor for resources in your area?  Sometimes school counselors can help with these issues or can connect you to resources in the community.

Posting here can help to connect to others.  Online support groups are available as well and can be found on NEDA

Keep posting!