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Out of Control :(

User Profile: secretJar5982
secretJar5982 January 29th, 2024

this is the first time i am actually stating that i think i have a problem with binge eating. i find myself trying to share this with safe friends or my partner or my therapist, but i have never fully vocalized this truth. my partner is gone on a business trip for the next 2 weeks and has already been gone 1 week. i'm afraid how out of control i'm going to get with my eating while he's gone because i do my binging at night and sometimes with alcohol and sometimes with THC products - but always with one of the two. i used to blame my binging on any impairment that i would have from the substances, but i now think this is more about a method by which to process my stress and big emotions. i haven't given them a proper outlet, and so now i'm eating them, and numbing myself out with food and substance - in private - to escape. how do i get help for this, where do i go and what do i say? i'm.... scared.

User Profile: KristenHR
KristenHR January 29th, 2024


What you just did when posting this was a first step - reaching out and asking what to do.  There are several options for help.  One would be to see if there is a counselor in your area who works with eating disorders or disordered eating and share with them about the struggle with the eating and your covering your emotions.  Another would be to see if you can find a support group for binge eating where you can find a support system to help you know you are not alone.

Here, every other week we have a discussion chat related to eating disorders.  So there is an option to also chat here.  There are also some books and workbooks online that might be helpful in managing emotions as well as helping with coping with eating.  Fast solving all the problem books don't work typically. 

I'm really glad you reached out.  You definitely aren't alone here.

User Profile: here2listen321
here2listen321 January 31st, 2024

I don't know the answer to any of that, but I do know that you are not alone. I struggle with that as well. Maybe the first step is to find healthy coping mechanisms. Either way, voicing this is a huge first step and I'm really proud of you for that. It also may help to keep track of what your eating on an app, it's something that my mom suggested to me before and it was helpful for a bit. Keeping track, for me, helped me to take more control because it forced me to stop and take a moment, which partially helped with the compulsive part of it. Also, be kind to yourself, treat yourself like you would a friend and if you find that you are having a having a bad day regarding it, remember that is OK. Remember that you are trying and that counts for something. Remember that it's OK to cry and and there is always a tomorrow. Even if your progress feels like a few steps forward and a few steps back, that is still progress.