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need help reassuring a friend w/ an ed!!!

User Profile: amusingSail8830
amusingSail8830 August 12th, 2020

my friend just texted me panicking because her mom posted a photo of her in a bikini and she says shes not ready for others to see her body and is scared shes going to relapse back into her ed. what are some helpful things i can say to her in this moment?

User Profile: TheMadHatterWasHere
TheMadHatterWasHere August 12th, 2020

@amusingSail8830 Tell her that she should decide if her body should be posted on the internet or not. She should have a talk about it with her mom, bc that is not ok!

User Profile: Traveller8
Traveller8 August 13th, 2020


Madhatter reply is really useful. Apart from that, stay close to your friend and keep in contact with her, talk about other issues, make her feel comfortable and safe.

User Profile: cyanPlatypus6370
cyanPlatypus6370 October 7th, 2020

Hi @amusingSail8830 ,

First: as someone who also deals with an eating disorder, thank you for caring about and for your friend ... and thank you again for coming here and asking for what to say or how to say it. If I were your friend in this case, I would be appreciative for even 'just' that!

@TheMadHatterWasHere -- I so very much agree!

I'd say this mother posted prematurely and without permission and that <--- is NOT OKAY. As MadHatter said, the person with the ed - your friend in this case - ought to be in charge of ANY and ALL photos of herself. Printed, posted online (yes anywhere!), sent in an email or post .... etc etc.

I can get very passionate on this topic as my own mother has "let the cat out of MY bag" too early and before I wanted (on other important topics) - and basically has never apologized. Not cool.

I would suggest to your friend that, yes it would be good to talk with her mom, especially about photos of her in general right now. But I would not push too hard for this conversation, or continually ask, "have you talked with your mom yet?" Ultimately it is up to your friend as to if or when she talks with Mom, of course. However, if she does bring up the topic with you ... my suggestion for you would be a sort-of laid back approach - listen to her most!, reply as/when needed, listen more.

I could go on ... as I said this is a topic I am very passionate about. Thank you again, Sail, for bringing your question to us here at 7cups in Eat.Disorder Support section. I hope this thread (and my response in it) can help you! Your friend is very fortunate to have a good friend in you, one who clearly understands that "when I don't understand (or just don't know) it is good to ask someone for help." smiley <3 Platy

User Profile: LittleBird1760
LittleBird1760 December 5th, 2020

@amusingSail8830 Help encourage her to talk to her mom about posting photos of her without her permission, because that is not okay. Also, keep in touch with her. Even if she isn't always reaching out to you, consistently reach out to her to check on how she is doing, or even just chat. It is extremely helpful to have someone who you know is there for you without having to put forth a lot of effort to keep in touch with them.

User Profile: weeweeonion
weeweeonion January 22nd, 2021

just try to be there for her and tell her that your completely open to talk and that she's not being a burden talking to you. just kinda reassure her and try to make her feel like everything is okay, and if acessable maybe try to meet up in real life and talk