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Is there a way to get over fear foods?

ErwineRommel September 5th, 2016

This is probably a dumb question to ask, but I'm genuinely wondering if there is a way to get over fear foods. I luckily have reached a healthy weight, but I still have some of the psychological issues lingering that I need to work on. One of the most significant ones are the persistence of fear foods, such as ice cream and (recently) bread.

I've noticed that most of these foods have some association to a negative memory, which adds to my fear of said food. Is there a way to get over fear foods or at least make the anxiety less severe? I can't handle the heartbreak any longer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

hopefulRainbows30 September 6th, 2016

@ErwineRommel hey there! I am not an expert on eating disorders but I do feel you. I went through a similar experience during the last 2 years (Actually, the roots of the problem were way beyond. It started in childhood but the symptons just surfaced up recently). I was really scared to death to eat almost everything and I know this is really hard but I think my biggest motivation is that I want to claim my life back. Mhm... if you haven't, you may want to seek professional help. I hope that you'll get better and if I can be of help, just message me if you wish. Take care! smileyheart

blitheSun94 September 11th, 2016

I can relate to this having struggled with an ED myself. I am mostly recovered but every now and then it rears its ugly head and I have a brief relapse, primarily when I feel my life is chaotic and out of control. The best way for me to manage my food fears has been through adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. This allows me healthier alternative as well as not having to necessarily explain away all of my restrictions. I have managed to stay within a healthy weight doing this as well. Hope it helps!