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In Need Of Help

sadkelsey September 19th, 2014

� � �I was diagnosed with anorexia exactly right days ago, but I have been struggling with my eating habits and insecurities about my weight since I can remember. I am 5'9 so naturally being taller than average, I would weigh more than average. At my highest I was probably around [number edited by 24Help1. In June, I decided I was done with exercising a ridiculous amount and eating extremely healthy without losing weight so when school ended, my eating ended. I don't have a scale in my house so I rely completely on doctor visits, measurements and how my clothes fit to tell me if I've gained or lost weight. On the third day of school we were weighed for gym and I was [number edited by 24Help1]. Now, two weeks later, I am [number edited by 24Help1]. I've seen a therapist off and on for five years now and last week was when she actually diagnosed me as anorexic. My body fat is [number edited by 24Help1] when for women, they say you need 14% in order to survive. I have seriously been trying to eat more and change my habits but it isn't working and I don't know what to do about it. I have already looked at the self help guides on here, but honestly I am just scared. My therapist said that she wants me hospitalised�as soon as possible, but just the thought of missing so much school scares me. �I know that once you're diagnosed there is a less than thirty percent chance of lifetime recovery but I really want to get better. Has anyone been in a similar situation and is willing to help me? Even if you're currently struggling i ned all the help I can get. Please respond I'll chat with anyone whenever

Pandette September 20th, 2014

Hey SadKelsey,

That can definitely be frightening, especially when you are unsure as to what to do in the situation. I know you don't want to miss school as it is a major part of life. I know that your doctor has suggested being hospitalized; being hospitalized does not mean being there for an extended period of time. Have you tried speaking to her about other methods? Trying different things to help curb your weight loss and start gaining some weight could be beneficial. Anorexia is not easy to deal with and I can understand the stress it is causing you. If you ever need to talk, I am here to listen and help as best I can. Sending lots of love and hugs your way!<3

sadkelsey OP September 20th, 2014

@pandettemy therapist thinks hospitalisationwill be the easiest way for me to begin to get better and she's somewhat stuck on that. Thanks for replying it means a lot. I am really just scared and confused on what this means and how I should change my life because of this.

Pandette September 20th, 2014

I know you really don't want to change your life drastically, but remember, your health is really important. Also, there is this saying: you can't help others if you can't help yourself. No matter what you do in life, you have to be physically capable of doing that task. With anorexia, that can be difficult. If you really don't want hospitalization, try asking her about different options. I'm sure she wouldn't mind providing you with some. Also, let her know what your concerns are as well: with school, life, eating habits, future, etc. Don't hold back! Sometimes the more information is better.

Erynn September 20th, 2014

As frightening as going inpatient is, and as hard as it is to miss all that school, I want to just throw out the fact that your doctors and nurses and social workers at the hospital will take into consideration your desire to be in school. If you're in high school still, especially if you goinpatient for an extended period oftime, they will probably help you to do some school work while you are inpatient. There's actually a lot of free time. But, if you are in college or in for a short period of time, it is possible the doctors will feel it's in your best interests to take a brief break from school work and focus solely on getting better mentally, emotionally,and physically.

There are lots of things to think about, and it's certainly a discussion to be had between you and your therapist. I just wanted to throw out my two cents, and to say my girlfriend has gone inpatient almost every term she's been in university. She is still a top student, despite her the 6-10 daysshe misses in the term. But, the school thing may be different for you. I don't know how long of a program you're looking into.

I know how hard decisions about treatment are - especially regarding going inpatient. As scary as it is, if it will help you recover, it may be a good thing to try. Whatever you do, I wish you well.

sadkelsey OP September 20th, 2014

@erynn thank you for the information. imin highschoolright now and the minimum stay at the facility I am going to is 3 months

Pandette September 20th, 2014

How about speaking to counsellors and ask if you would be able to complete school work while still in the facility. A lot of the times they work with the student to get the best result! :)