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KristenHR profile picture
Eating Disorder Added Community Guidelines
by KristenHR
Last post
January 27th
...See more Please note our additional guidelines in addition to 7 Cups overall guidelines. The following are some guidelines specific to the Eating Disorder Sub-Community that we request you to follow along with the general Forum Guidelines []. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure a safe and supportive space for everyone, within this sub-community. * Refrain from mentioning specific weights or calorie counts to avoid triggering others. * Remember this is a support community - we should all be supportive of each other’s stories and struggles. * Everyone’s struggles are different; please avoid encouraging anyone to lose or gain weight. * Avoid overly graphic content and mark potentially sensitive posts with a ‘Trigger Warning’ at the top line of the post. * Pro-eating disorder content will not be tolerated.
theriverissinging profile picture
Eating Disorder Support Automated Taglist - New
by theriverissinging
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January 3rd
...See more This thread controls an auto-updating taglist. To see the current list, go to Eating Disorder Support Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words “Please add me.” To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words, “Please remove me.” Taglist to be used for check-ins, discussions, events and announcements. ------------------------- we'll be compiling the latest taglist through a process outlined here [] every time we make a post.
kermitcrying profile picture
disordered eating?
by kermitcrying
Last post
17 hours ago
...See more hello friends! i apologize for coming here without a formal diagnosis, please understand that's not possible for me at the moment, and I'd really appreciate some kind insight into my experience. i know i have a troubled relationship with food, but not in any of the traditional ED ways. i don't count calories, i don't consciously restrict food intake for sake of my body image (i'm trans, there's bigger body image fishes to fry than my tummy,) i primarily have issues with eating as a whole. i know rationally that eating is inescapable, but every morning i wake up dreading breakfast just because I have to decide what might feel okay in my stomach while i try and think through the beginnings of my day. most times, i just resent the feeling in my stomach and get progressively upset by it. if the feeling of food in my tummy happens to not be an issue, i'm prone to texture aversions as well. the smell of food when im in a bad state is also terrible. i also experience misophonia regarding eating sounds, so chewing noises, people talking with food in mouth, etc. really upsets me as well so even if i didn't have pre-existing distaste for the process of eating, that certainly doesn't help. the intensity varies day to day, some days i can eat normally without issue, and other days i get nauseous at the very thought of food. i haven't been able to find anything on this the sort through searching, and honestly it's triggering to read through eating disorder criteria for a number of reasons. would anyone have any insight? thanks
discreetPomegranate1970 profile picture
Recovery (Maybe)
by discreetPomegranate1970
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3 days ago
...See more I want to recover from ED but the anxiety of gaining weight is scary :(
Mcrfan1234 profile picture
I hate being full
by Mcrfan1234
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...See more I like food but i genuinely hate eating it. I hate knowing theres fat and calories inside my stomach. I hate the gurgling noises. I hate feeling sick no matter what and how much i eat. I hate feeling like a failure after a meal. I hate not being dizzy or lightheaded. I just hate being full! If i could live off of diet soda i would.
KindForest2094 profile picture
Training guide (Eating disorders)
by KindForest2094
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...See more I don't have an eating disorder personally however I took a look at the training thing for it and to me it seems to be overgeneralising. It talks as if the solution to all eating disorders (as in overeating and under-eating) is the same. I've heard that for people with under-eating type eating disorders they shouldn't self-monitor/record but in the training guide it tell everyone to weigh themselves once a week and to record everything they eat which seems a bit counterintuitive for someone under-eating. I'm curious what someone with an eating disorder or more experience with eating disorders thinks since to me it seems like it should treat eating disorders as a more nuanced thing. Have a nice day though : )
hardworkingThinker5118 profile picture
Binge eating struggles
by hardworkingThinker5118
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...See more Hi! I am a college student who has been struggling with binge eating for about 3 years on and off now. I really want to grow and get to a point where I am not relying on it anymore because it is really affecting my social and educational life. I just need to be held accountable right now and I was wondering if anyone wanted to join me in supporting each other. I am going to text on this thread when I surpass an urge each day and the days I don’t. The goal is me to do this daily so I don’t get lose in a cycle. Part of recovery is being able to get back on your feet even after a binge occurs so feel free to join me and we can have self compassion for ourselves no matter what it looks like! Today is February 8th! Let’s do this by eating regular meals and snacks to fuel ourselves so we don’t feel tempted by the binge emotional eating!
HaleighOnTheDaily profile picture
by HaleighOnTheDaily
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...See more My name is Haleigh I am fourteen!! (She/her) I am doing research on eating disorders, as I may have one, but I think it's more on the disordered eating side, I have a meeting with a therapist so I will get more information on it with her... Nice to meet you all!!!
summertimeSamness profile picture
Tolerating Distress & Facing Feelings Workbook PDF by the Centre for Clinical Interventions
by summertimeSamness
Last post
February 13th
...See more Check out this free online workbook for improving wit!h distress tolerance It is broken down into 4 learning modules or sections that you can print out and complete on your own. Explore the modules below and let us know in a reply how it worked out for you! Module 1: Understanding Distress Intolerance [] Module 2: Accepting Distress [] Module 3: Improving Distress [] Module 4: Tolerating Distress [] Visit the CCI website:
crimsonClementine6684 profile picture
Scared to eat because of physical symptoms of anxiety
by crimsonClementine6684
Last post
February 13th
...See more does anyone here have the same problem as me there are these times when I want to eat something but when I do I get hit with this anxiety and the physical anxiety symptoms are not so fun I hate it and don’t like when my throat swells up to the point where I would avoid eating something even tho I want it but don’t want to go through that anxiety so I would avoid eating in order to avoid those physical anxiety symptoms. if you guys went through this how did you overcome it? would be nice knowing I’m not the only one going through this
Lolo368 profile picture
by Lolo368
Last post
February 12th
...See more Tw anorexia hey so stuff is really bad rn (I won’t go in to detail) but since a month I’m barely eating anything and at first it was just when i was nauseous or not hungry but now even when I’m hungry I don’t eat so idk
cathilcm profile picture
Binges after gastric bypass
by cathilcm
Last post
February 10th
...See more I had a gastric bypass 3 years ago. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for 20 years or more, now I am starting to binge eat and have already gained more than <edit>, I am scared for my health, I have thoughts of taking drugs or doing something to stop thinking so much, I have panic attacks, I am seeing therapy but I am full of anger. I know what i need to do but i just having thousands of excuses for not starting.
AllieTheArcanian profile picture
Struggling and doubtful in anorexia recovery (weight restoration)
by AllieTheArcanian
Last post
February 6th
...See more After being discharged from hospitalization (1 week due to complications from malnutrition) about a week and a half ago, the dietician at the hospital gave my parents a plan and they're following the plate-by-plate method, so they have a calorie minimum (my mom said but honestly I'm not sure) but I'm not sure if they have an exact calorie amount or even an amount to meet or maximum and I'm so used to tracking my calories for every exact calorie. I'm not allowed to have choices or know my calories in my meals for now. I have to have 3 meals and 3 snacks per day, and I can tell based on what I know that they're giving me at LEAST 3,500-4-000 calories per day, probably more. I know they're following the dieticians plan, but I also feel like they're somehow doing something wrong or the dieticians plan is wrong or something, like they're just throwing a bunch of food and extra calories on a plate and severely underestimating how many calories everything is. I can't shake the distrust and the fear of gaining too much too fast and eating way too many calories. I also feel like my body is changing and getting fat wayyy too fast and it's only been like 2 weeks. I'm scared honestly. Is this normal? Can someone give reassurance or advice on how to cope, or that this IS normal in recovery and okay, and I'm not gonna spiral into being super fat?
discreetPomegranate1970 profile picture
False hope
by discreetPomegranate1970
Last post
February 6th
...See more Anyone else know that feeling were they wanna recover but that voice at the back of your head says NO.

Eating Disorder Support

Welcome to Eating Disorder Support! We are welcoming you with open arms and hope to be part of your recovery journey. All are welcome to participate, whether you are a family member watching a loved one struggling or struggling yourself. 

What are the different forum topics for Eating Disorder Support?

Anorexia Nervosa Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Anorexia Nervosa. 

Binge Eating Disorder Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Binge Eating.

Bulimia Support: A place for you to discuss issues relating to Bulimia.

Discussions & Check-ins: A place for general discussions and regular community check-ins.

General Support: Need any other support that doesn’t fit within another topic? Post it here!

Family and Friends of Individuals with Eating Disorders: Watching a loved on struggle with an Eating Disorder? Discuss it here.

Introductions, Fun & Games: A place to introduce yourself and take part in a variety of fun, games and icebreakers.

Recovery & Moving On: Recovering from an Eating Disorder? Share your story here!

How can I help?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable). Check-in with us, join a discussion, or start one! Alternatively, you can join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information.

Helpful Threads

Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our tag list to be notified whenever there is a new discussion or update within the community!

Eating Disorder FAQ

Q: Are there any sub-community-specific guidelines that we need to adhere to?

A: You can find Sub-community-specific guidelines below, which you should follow in addition to the general forum guidelines.

Help! I still have a question! 

If you need help, feel free to contact a community leader or post here, and someone will contact you!

Community Guidelines

The following are some guidelines specific to the Eating Disorder Sub-Community that we request you to follow along with the general Forum Guidelines. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure a safe and supportive space for everyone, within this sub-community.

  • Refrain from mentioning specific weights or calorie counts to avoid triggering others.
  • Remember this is a support community - we should all be supportive of each other’s stories and struggles.
  • Everyone’s struggles are different; please avoid encouraging anyone to lose or gain weight.
  • Avoid overly graphic content and mark potentially sensitive posts with a ‘Trigger Warning’ at the top line of the post.
  • Pro-eating disorder content will not be tolerated.
Community Leaders
Community Mentor / Teen Community Star