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can’t sleep

spiderwick42 January 8th, 2023

ive hardly slept lately, and i’m so tired at the moment, but one of my wrists is bothering me so much i just can’t get to sleep. not even my dominant side or a usual place to get really bad, so it’s a totally random flare. i hate fibro, i have a busy day tomorrow and just want to rest. nothing is really helping, not sure what to do.

hardworkingBunny4133 January 8th, 2023

@spiderwick42 put on some soft music, rain sounds, a video from a comforting youtuber, etc. then turn the lights off and close your eyes. even if you can't sleep, at least rest your eyes and try to make yourself as comfortable as possible. ❤️

SilentSerenityy January 8th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that your fibro is playing you up and affecting your sleep and energy levels. I understand how frustrating it is when you know you have things to do but your body just won't work with you. All I can really suggest is trying to pace yourself. If possible, spread out your tasks over a number of days instead of trying to complete them all at once.

I hope you can take some time out for yourself to rest and manage to get some sleep soon. <3