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Dad has chronic pain

mangowango28 March 3rd, 2022

Hi, all!

My dad (in his 40s) has some pretty severe chronic pain in his calves, lower back, and neck. Some sort of degenerative disease in his spine. He verbally lashes out frequently, basically daily, and has an extremely rocky marriage with my mom right now. He won’t pick up any of his clothes or food around the house, and he always shouts that it’s because of his pain when my mom asks him to clean up after himself. My mom and I love him very much, and I believe he does love us too. I don’t know how to help him or even just cope with the stress that the chronic pain brings our family. We don’t blame him at all — we know to blame the pain instead. So, what can I do for him (or even just for us)?

audienta March 21st, 2022


Hi mango

As a person with chronic pain myself, it's really amazing to hear how supportive you are about your dad's condition!

What can help me when I am in a lot of pain is being listened to and cared about. Also, little tasks can become really tough when I'm in pain, so when someone just does it for me, that can really make my day. BUT! You also need to take good care of yourself! Being in pain isn't an excuse for being unfriendly to other people. And if YOU need a break, then YOU have to take it.

Take care!


goldenThinker5257 May 1st, 2022

You are obviously a caring daughter, so your father is a blessed man. Back pain can be caused by various causes, some of which are difficult to treat. It's a condition that arises due to obesity, work environment, Physical work, accident, or other issues. If any other troubling symptoms accompany your dad's lower back pain, it may require immediate medical attention. One year ago, I suffered back pain. I visited doctors and tried all kinds of pain relievers, but nothing seemed to help. At last, I visited a physiotherapist, and I was able to get rid of my back discomfort in two weeks and have been pain-free till now. If you are concerned that your father's pain is under-treated, consult an expert physiotherapist, and it is one of the effective ways to get rid of the pain permanently.