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Anyone suffer with HS?

Gamer87 June 28th, 2019

HS is a very painful skin condition where I get abscesses under my arms and in my groin. I have suffered for about two years now. Im running out of ideas on how to help myself as nothing seems to work. Anyone got any tips? The weather is heating up and Im not coping well with my skin, its really getting me down.

Gamer87 OP July 5th, 2019

My skin is really getting me down today. The heat is making things worse. I have weakness in my right arm, I think an abscess is pushing on a nerve or something 😢

PerfectSalah September 4th, 2019

@Gamer87 i wish you all a safe journey in your life ❤

AffyAvo June 28th, 2019

@Gamer87 I've had/have lots of skin issues and I doubt everything has been diagnosed. Looking at images of this I wouldn't be surprised if I have had this along with some of the things that were diagnosed. I've been to numerous dermatologists, but it was just too time consuming to go to one any time I had anything that looked slightly different (and with appointment timing could easily be gone anyway).

I found I had to stop using antiperspirant & deodorant completely. It was just too irritating, not matter what it was. If I go to something where it's going to be hot and I want to be reasonably fresh I use baby powder, but even that's not the best for my skin. Most of the time I just try to stay clean - extra showers, or wiping down and sometimes I do use antiseptic agents like benzalkonium chloride.

I did get laser hair removal and the initial plan was to do that just to reducing shaving and the irritation that comes with it. I was really expecting that to flare up my skin issues short term, but was surprised to see my skin actually improve both short and long term with doing that. When I do shave over an area that is irritated/was recently irritated I use a new razor and don't use it for anything else. It can be expensive, but I thought it was worth it.

I do try to be careful with clothing. Most of my clothes are 100% cotton, cotton with a bit of spandex or bamboo. I try to avoid things rubbing, but It's hard as so much can be an issue. When I'm home I will often change to things that might not look so great but don't cause problems. For sleepwear, I bought a bunch of mens t-shirts. The cut has much looser arms and as a bonus they are cheaper than most women's clothing.

Gamer87 OP June 28th, 2019


Thanks so much for the tips, its nice to know there is someone else with the same issue. I do wear loose sports clothes all the time and buy the boys fit t-shirts. I have to wash with a medicated shower gel everyday (which smells disgusting). I have tried changing my diet and tried herbal creams. Nothing seems to work. Most websites say that HS can be linked to being overweight but Im as skinny as anything. The doctor tells me there is not much that can be done for this condition:( I think a lot of my problem is stress to be honest.

I will definitely try your tips regarding the antiperspirant and razors. Thank you so much for your help!!

BrokenPhantom630 August 23rd, 2019

@Gamer87 not sure if it's HS but I'm deff prone to cysts and I deff feel for you. I've not found much that works but I know you're not alone.

Gamer87 OP August 24th, 2019


Aw phantom thank you.

PainedAndConfused August 22nd, 2019

I have HS! Had it since about 2002.

Gamer87 OP August 22nd, 2019


oh my god you dont know how happy I am to finally find someone else with HS. Im in the middle of a flare up at the moment so Im a bit down.

PainedAndConfused August 22nd, 2019


yeah its not often you find someone else with the condition!

I am using topical clindamycin lotion even though though it doesnt work that great it works a little. I dont want to use the oral meds I was offered as they make my sleepy and I am very tired already due to my other health conditions and medication.

I also clean daily with hibiscrub which you can buy in chemists or get it prescribed. It kills bacteria

I have hs under my boobs, my butt and my thighs. Horrible isnt it.

Gamer87 OP August 22nd, 2019


yeah I have to wash with the same thing too, I have it prescribed. I was not offered any oral medication, I was just told there was nothing they could do for me. They said if it gets really bad in the future I can have an op to remove the skin from under my arms or have my immune system taken away, bit extreme! I have a herbal cream but it does not do much for me really. It really gets me down when its bad. I have it mostly under my arms and in my groin. Some days I cant even lift my arms up.

Im so happy to have found you! I really feel for you, I know how horrible it is. I dont think people really know until they have felt it.

PainedAndConfused August 22nd, 2019

Really nice to meet you too. Its a horrible condition and people dont understand how awful it is.

Shame it is incurable. Ive tried so much over the years but its pointless when they dont work and cant cure it anyway. Some treatments are awful for you and damage your body internally so there is no point when they barely work is the there

Hoping one day there is a cure!

Hope you arent in too much pain right now heart

It is awful when you can barely move because of the boils. I sometimes cant sit properly which is no good when I have to sit a lot because of my chronic back pain lol

Gamer87 OP August 22nd, 2019


That sounds really hard for you, I really do understand. Its frustrating isnt it when nothing works. I hope one day you find something that works for you.

I am in quite a lot of pain at the moment but I feel better now I know someone gets me.

Littlelostwriter October 26th, 2019

@Gamer87 Fellow HS sufferer here. Since 2000.. Stage 3 in my groin/butt and stage 2 in my chest and under my breast. It's also caused a lot of other conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Crohn's disease and also affected my heart. Horrible disease. It killed my mom and now I'm terminal. You are not alone. Keep fighting, we got this!

Gamer87 OP October 26th, 2019


i am so sorry to hear how badly HS affects you. It is horrible, completely understand how you feel. Keep your head up, if you ever need to talk about it here, I can listen.

Littlelostwriter October 26th, 2019

@Gamer87 Thank you! Same goes to you (and anyone else out their reading this of course) we gotta stick together. :)

JoyousBear January 17th, 2020


Oh, it must be very hard and frustrating for you to endure such harsh condition you have. I hope that you find something what will alleviate your coping with your illness. And as you know, you aren't the only person in this struggle. There are many other people who struggle with this and other similar conditions and 7cups is great place to find them and connect with them.