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MistyMagic profile picture
Braille! - January is World Braille Month!
by MistyMagic
Last post
January 13th
...See more January is World Braille month Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809 and this year we celebrate his 206th birthday!   Born in Coupvray, France, Louis became blind at the age of 3 while playing with tools in his father’s shop.  When he was 10, he was sent to the school for the blind in Paris, but there were very few books available at that time for people who were blind.  Inspired by a system of tactile writing created by French army captain Charles Barbier, Louis Braille spent two years trying to simplify and perfect the code.  When he was 15, the new code was ready, and was easier to learn and quicker to read. It took many years before the Braille code was adopted widely.  The first book in braille was published in 1827 and in 1878, the World Congress for the Blind voted to make Braille the system of reading and writing for people worldwide who are blind.  There ensued a War of the Dots and it was not until 1932 that Standard English Braille was established for all English-speaking countries. Braille is a tactile writing system used by individuals who are visually impaired or blind. The system enables users to read and write through touch, empowering them to access information independently. Structure of Braille Braille is based on a matrix of six raised dots arranged in a rectangular block called a "cell," with two columns and three rows. Each cell represents a character, letter, number, or punctuation mark. The dots are numbered 1 through 6: 1  4 2  5 3  6 By raising specific combinations of these dots, different characters can be formed. For example: * The letter "A" is represented by a single raised dot in position 1. * The letter "B" uses dots 1 and 2. * Numbers, capital letters, and special characters are indicated by specific prefixes. Types of Braille * Grade 1 Braille: A basic system where each Braille cell corresponds to a single letter, number, or punctuation mark. It is typically used by beginners. * Grade 2 Braille: Includes contractions and abbreviations for common words or letter groups, making reading and writing faster and more efficient. * Grade 3 Braille: An advanced system used for shorthand, often in personal notes or informal writing. Applications of Braille Braille is used in various formats and devices to enhance accessibility: * Books and Documents: Printed Braille materials are essential for education and leisure. * Labels and Signage: Many elevators, ATMs, and public spaces include Braille signage to  * provide information. * Digital Braille Devices: Refreshable Braille displays and notetakers allow users to access digital content, including emails, websites, and e-books, through tactile feedback. Importance of Braille Braille is vital for literacy and independence among people who are blind. While audio technology is increasingly available (such as screen readers), Braille remains indispensable for developing spelling, grammar, and tactile literacy skills. It ensures access to a wide range of fields, from education to employment. Challenges and Advancements Challenges include the high cost of producing Braille materials and devices, as well as limited availability in some regions. However, advances in technology, such as affordable refreshable Braille displays, are helping to bridge this gap. Braille's impact extends beyond language; it is a tool of empowerment, inclusion, and equality, ensuring that individuals who are blind can fully participate in society. Read more about the story of Louis Braille []. Learn the song for celebrating Louis Braille’s birthday! [] Play the Louis Braille Timeline Game []. Written as part of the Disability Support Community Articles. More can be found here  [] If you have a condition or 'Awareness Campaign' that you feel we should recognise please message either myself @MistyMagic [] (teens and adults) or @AffyAvo  [](adults)
AffyAvo profile picture
Listeners with a Disability - Supporting those with Disabilities (2024-2025)
by AffyAvo
Last post
January 7th
...See more We had one of these before, but many of the listeners are no longer using 7cups. So here's an updated one. Are you a listener with a disability willing to support others with a disability? Please share here! Also note what your disability is or give as much detail as you're comfortable wtih so that members can find someone with similar issues.
MistyMagic profile picture
Saying Goodnight to 2024! and Good Morning to 2025!
by MistyMagic
Last post
January 5th
...See more Saying Goodbye to 2024 and Hello to 2025! Disability Support Community Yearly Review! Over the past year I have had the privilege to hold the roles of Community Mentor Leader (leading the forums), and Group Support Mentor, (leading the rooms) of the Disability Community. We have grown from strength to strength. We have covered many topics and had many discussions, promoted many Awareness Days, as well as interviewed many different people about their disability or illness. Team - We are a small Team and I would like to recognise @AffyAvo as our Community Mentor who has been a pleasure to work with. Also @compassionateMoon4024 joined us as a Room Supporter.  We are always actively seeking more people to join our Team, member or listener, so please ask us if you are interested or for more information please read more about us here:- Join Our Team! [] Interviews - We are looking for more people to be interviewed about their disability or condition and how it affects their life so that others may learn more. Feel free to pm myself []  or [] or fill in our form here []  The interviews are anonymous for listeners and can be anonymous for members too if you do not wish to be recognised. It is a fun experience so please join in. Here is a list of some of the content we have posted so far to help support those with disabilities and to raise awareness and understanding of many conditions:- Living with Multiple Sclerosis [] Living with Cerebral Palsy [] Living with Meniere's Disease [] Living with CFS/ME [] Severe ME [] Living with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) [] Being a wheelchair user [] Living with hED and POTS [] HAE Raising Awareness [] Boom Or Bust [] - Breaking through pain! Learning About Self-Advocacy [] Meditation and Self-care [] Cataract Awareness [] - Learn more Finding Serenity within Disability [] Sign Languages [] 2024 Paralympics! [] World Mental Health Day [] and Disabilities Learning Disabilities [] Digital Awareness [] for Disability Inclusive Trick or Treating [] Tips About Waiting For Surgery [] CRPS -Complex Regional Pain Syndrome [] Epilepsy - Let’s talk [] Asthma - Learn more [] Disability and Mental Health [] Are there topics or Awareness Days that you would like us to cover? Let us know on this form! []  2024 has been a long year for many of us so what are you looking forward to in 2025?
 profile picture
Last post
November 20th, 2024
...See more I been dealing ankl e problems like a sprain ankle. , three torn stuff in my foot and noe pain I had. From a operation I had a half a a year ago on ankle. Still in pain and not moble
Stitchlover17 profile picture
by Stitchlover17
Last post
November 19th, 2024
...See more Chronic pain and just pain in general 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😭
DogLady93 profile picture
by DogLady93
Last post
October 24th, 2024
...See more I'm just looking to see if anyone else on here has CRPS/RSD and would be interested in talking. I have it in my left leg and would love to get a mini support group together.
Countrygirl095 profile picture
From Pain to Strength: A Cerebral Palsy Survival Guide
by Countrygirl095
Last post
March 10th, 2024
...See more From Pain to Strength: A Cerebral Palsy Survival Guide Having cerebral palsy comes with its fair share of challenges. One aspect that often accompanies this condition is physical pain. However, it is a testament to one's strength and determination to overcome obstacles that life presents. In this blog post, I will share my personal experience with pain and explore how it can be a reminder of my strength and resilience. 1. Understanding Cerebral Palsy and Its Impact Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition that affects movement, coordination, and balance. It is caused by damage to the brain either before, during, or after birth. Different individuals may experience varying levels of disability and chronic pain. 2. Describing Pain as an Reminder of Strength Living with cerebral palsy, pain is a daily reality for me. However, I believe that pain serves as a powerful reminder of my inner strength. It serves as a constant reminder that I am capable of pushing through and overcoming any obstacle that comes my way. With every pain, I am reminded of my determination and the progress I have made. 3. Overcoming Challenges with Perseverance Pain is a constant companion, but it does not define me. I have learned to use my pain as motivation. It serves as a driving force to push me forward, reminding me of the importance of perseverance and determination. Despite the discomfort, I have refused to let pain hold me back from achieving my goals. 4. Celebrating Achievements and Milestones Throughout my journey with cerebral palsy, I have had to overcome numerous challenges and obstacles. However, it is equally important to celebrate the achievements and milestones along the way. Each accomplishment, no matter how small, is a testament to my strength and resilience. 5. Sharing My Story as a Survival Guide My experience with pain and cerebral palsy has led me to believe that my story can serve as a survival guide for others facing similar challenges. By sharing my struggles and triumphs, I hope that others can find inspiration and encouragement to never give up. Conclusion Pain is a temporary obstacle that those with cerebral palsy may face. However, it is through perseverance, strength, and determination that we can overcome it. I urge anyone facing similar challenges to remember that pain is temporary, but your story has the potential to inspire and change lives forever. Don't give up; you have the strength within you to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.
Katieee97 profile picture
Chronic pain Acceptance
by Katieee97
Last post
February 2nd, 2024
...See more For the last 4 years, I have had a chronic headache, with back pain too. I honestly can not remember what it is like to feel no pain. Back when this all started I was 16, about to start catering college. Up until very recently, I have tried my very hardest to ignore my health and have pretended to be fine. No many people in my life actually know or remember that my health isn't great. I try not to talk about it because I feel like it makes other people uncomfortable or I get pity. I also struggle to talk about it and never usually have a conversation about it that doesn't end up with me crying. I have lost a lot of people in my life because of my pain. My work have only just found out, because I suddenly broke. I managed to work 4 days a week after finishing college for about 6 months before completely breaking. I have had every test and tried every medication under the sun, seen every specialist out there - but no one can give me a reason for my headache or a name. I'm now at the point where they can do no more for me. All they can suggest is giving up my passion - being a chef. And learning to accept my new life. Im seriously struggling to accept that I have to live with pain for potentiality the rest of my life. Im 20, want to be working full time, excited for the future - not dreading what the future might bring. How have other people learnt to accept their pain?
VaehStanifer profile picture
Chronic pain
by VaehStanifer
Last post
July 22nd, 2023
...See more Does anyone Have any recommendations or remedies that help with mainly back pain. I have severe scoliosis that causes so much pain and a condition that makes all pain much worse than it should be. I’d really appreciate it if anybody could help
LIFEadisastrousmess profile picture
Chronic Pain
by LIFEadisastrousmess
Last post
April 8th, 2023
...See more How do you keep from getting discouraged by pain?
fruityPond7887 profile picture
Your Pain Is Legitimate
by fruityPond7887
Last post
March 30th, 2023
...See more "“Shouldn’t you have healed by now?” “I think your pain may be all in your head.” If you are living with chronic pain, you know how dispiriting these comments can be. We hear them from physicians and spouses, co-workers, and friends. These comments represent a fundamental misunderstanding about the mind-body relationship as it pertains to pain. Your chronic pain has a cause. The trigeminal system [] is the pain-perceiving center of the brain. Pain sensations picked up by nerves all over your body are sent to the trigeminal nucleus for processing. This is basically where those signals are translated into “pain” by your brain. Acute pain [] occurs when we have actual or potential tissue damage, and those signals travel through our trigeminal system and are translated into the sensation of pain. The purpose of acute pain is to signal, “Hey! We have a problem here!” It allows us to make the best choice in the moment to reduce the possibility of damage to our bodies. Chronic pain [] (pain that lasts more than three to six months) can occur for lots of different reasons. Sometimes, we have ongoing damage to body tissue due to a chronic illness [], such as osteoarthritis. In some cases, nerve damage causes pain, such as diabetic neuropathy. But in other cases, our trigeminal system is literally working overtime. For people with nociplastic []pain conditions, such as migraine [] and fibromyalgia [], the pain comes from changes in pain-sensing pathways []. Pain signals are being sent even though no actual or potential tissue is present. Some people may even have a combination: chronic lower back pain can arise from tissue damage and pain pathways changes. All pain is experienced in the brain. And no matter what is causing your pain, you have a path forward. Behavioral pain treatment addresses the biological realities of chronic pain. Behavioral pain treatments [] can help alleviate chronic pain, particularly when combined with medication [] and other non-pharmacologic medical treatments. That is because pain travels on specific types of nerves. Although the initial burst of acute pain after an injury is a big, bold signal to your brain, most chronic pain runs on smaller nerves that are easier to interfere with. So, one way to manage pain is to interfere with pain signals. Depression [], anxiety, stress, [] and other psychological factors do not necessarily cause bodily pain. But they can impact the way your body perceives pain. You can think of pain signals like water trying to get through a hose. Some things, like depression [], straighten the hose and allow the water (pain) to flow easily through. Other things, like doing a job you are passionate about, physical activity, and spending time with friends, can bend the hose, making it harder for the water (pain) to go through. The water is still turned on at the tap, just like your chronic pain condition is still present. But just as it is harder for the water to make it through to the end of the hose, alleviating factors make it harder for pain signals to reach the forefront of your awareness. The way we react to stress plays an important role in how much pain we experience []. Pain is a stressful [] experience. So we will likely respond to pain; however, we typically respond to other stressful experiences. When some people encounter stress, they plan for potential negative outcomes. This way of responding to stress may help you get ahead in your career [] but is less helpful when experiencing pain. There is a reciprocal relationship between pain and functioning. The more you go to work, see friends, and exercise, the less pain you experience. On the other hand, it is clearly easier to function when you are in less pain. Therapists (occupational, physical, and psychological) all try to help improve your functioning while keeping your pain at a manageable level, because if your functioning improves, chances are, your pain experience will improve as well. So these therapists try to use times you feel best, like after a particularly effective medical treatment, to help you enhance your functioning so that you stand a better chance of reducing your pain experience in the long run. Pain is not your fault. “Shouldn’t you have healed by now?” Changes in your body or nervous system [] are still producing pain signaling in your brain, regardless of whether any initial tissue damage has healed. “I think your pain may all be in your head.” All pain is in the brain. But your pain is perfectly real, regardless of whether it is accompanied by tissue damage. One type of pain is not more “real” than another. At the end of the day, when people living with chronic pain hear these kinds of dispiriting comments from family, friends, coworkers, and doctors, it makes us feel like the pain is our fault. Like, somehow, we are causing this pain, and if we could just be different in some way, the pain would stop. But chronic pain conditions are not a matter of willpower []. They are complicated, brain-body interactions that often require a multidisciplinary approach to effective management []. Behavioral interventions may help alleviate your pain; that does not make your pain less real. Changing your lifestyle may reduce your pain; that does not mean your lifestyle caused your pain in the first place. Changing how you react to pain may reduce how much pain interferes with your life; that does not change the legitimacy of your pain experience. That’s just how pain works. Because pain is in the brain and in the body. And if doing cognitive behavioral [] therapy [], physical therapy, occupational therapy, yoga, changing your diet [], therapeutic massage, or walking daily helps you manage your pain, that doesn’t mean it is less real. It means you are taking charge of your care, building your pain care team, and finding a combination of strategies that help you manage a legitimate chronic illness so you can re-engage more fully in living your life." *Chronic pain is different for everyone, but it is still chronic pain. Everyone's experience is valid! There are many different interventions that people can take, both physical and psychological, to help alleviate their pain. Regardless, that pain is still very real and not made up. No matter the diagnosis or if your pain is acute or chronic, pain is still pain. No one wants to go through it and I hope we can all support each other through it. How do you find your pain is best managed?* #AcutePain #ChronicPain #PainManagement Please find the full article at Psychology Today. [] If you liked this article, you may enjoy this one! []
fruityPond7887 profile picture
How to Manage Chronic Pain for Improved Mental Health
by fruityPond7887
Last post
February 27th, 2023
...See more "In the medical world, pain—the body’s way of telling us that something may be wrong—is classified as either acute or chronic. While acute pain tends to be severe but temporary, chronic pain can vary in intensity and persists for long periods of time. Sometimes, chronic pain is a symptom of long-term disease, but in some cases, it’s difficult to identify a specific cause.1 Chronic pain can be treated with prescription and over-the-counter medications, but the latest issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest (PSPI) looks at how psychological interventions [] can be part of the treatment plan.2 Psychological Therapies for Pain Management Western medicine has long been in the habit of treating the mind and the body as separate entities, says therapist Susan Epstein [], LCSW, who runs chronic pain workshops for her clients. "Medical doctors often look for mechanical/physical explanations of and fixes for pain, when the real answers lie in misfiring messages from the brain due to psychological, emotional, environmental, and even nutritional factors," Epstein explains. "There is more and more recognition that the mind-body is a complex interconnected organism and that holistic approaches may offer relief where surgeries or pharmaceuticals have failed." “CBT is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on a person’s thoughts (cognition) and behaviors (actions) that are the source of their problem,” explains psychologist Sheila Forman [], PhD. In this case, the CBT therapist would help this person identify patterns of negativity [] embedded in these thoughts with the goal of changing them in a way that would lead to a healthier way to think about and respond to pain. Biofeedback [] involves using sensors to monitor patients’ physiological responses to stress and pain, such as increased heart rate and muscle tension, then teaching them how to gain control over these responses.4 “This form of therapy is useful because stress exacerbates pain, so learning to manage stress [] can help manage pain,” says Forman. Other psychological therapies for chronic pain include supportive psychotherapy, breathing exercises, hypnosis by a trained clinician, and mindfulness meditation []. What This Means For You Exercise, physical therapy, and different medications can all help with chronic pain. If you'd like to try psychological-based strategies, ask your physician to recommend a psychologist or therapist who specializes in this field. Online chronic pain support groups, like The Mighty [] and MyChronicPainTeam [], are great ways to connect with others who live with chronic pain and understand the various challenges that come with it." *Chronic pain is no joke and no one should have to go through it alone. We may not always understand where our chronic pain stems from, so it's important to try and treat the chronic pain through both the mind and body because they are more intertwined than we ever thought. If we can learn how to better handle stress and any triggers that may lead to a flare-up of our pain, we could really reduce the pain we feel. Reaching out to a mental health professional can help us work through any possible triggers and this could holistically help us manage our chronic pain. If you struggle with chronic pain, do you find that treating it both mentally and physically has helped you?* #ChronicPain #HolisticHealth #PainManagement Please find the full article at Very Well Mind. [] If you liked this article, you may like this one [] on living well with chronic pain.
creativeLion6784 profile picture
Chronic pain that is unbearable
by creativeLion6784
Last post
February 17th, 2023
...See more I was abused heavily as a child and have chronic pain from the amount my body endured as a kid. And because I'm so young no one in the medical field listens to me. When i go to the doctor and can barely even walk in there they just send me back home or I get sent in circles going from doctor office to specialist to psychical therapy. And i have a really hard time doing a lot of it because of the trauma involved. I am unsure how to meet my needs when my pain has gotten to be constant. And as it's a constant i get flashback after flashback. I've been in what feels like a flashback nightmare since late December. Christmas i was out and couldn't even put pressure on my knees. As i layed there it felt like my knees were going to snap inward. I can't even stand to cook or even shower and i feel help less. My mental isn't doing well and my Smi clinic (severely mentally ill) clinic isn't helping me. I'm alone in this because I'm in so much pain i don't see my friends anymore because i can't even walk and i am always grunting and groaning. I miss appointments constantly. I've quit so many jobs because the pain is unbearable.
enbyzzlingplatypus profile picture
How do people deal with pain
by enbyzzlingplatypus
Last post
February 12th, 2023
...See more I don’t get pain that’s terrible compared to most people, but when it does happen it gets overwhelming very quickly, and I can’t do much else other than curl up and hope it ends. I spend a lot of time worrying about when something will start hurting again, and it seems there’s nothing I can do to prevent it, as I’ve been told over and over that I have no symptoms other than pain, so there’s nothing that can be fixed. Im spending most of my pain free moments dreading the feeling. I know that there is nothing wrong and nothing to fix, but I still want to do something, but I can’t. Every time pain stops I immediately feel as if I just can’t go through that again. Every time it happens it feels like the end of the world, but the world keeps ending over and over and I don’t know how to stop dreading the inevitable. Everyone around me says that they’re trying their best to help, that there’s nothing they can do, and it frustrates me when it shouldn’t because I know I shouldn’t feel like this, and I shouldn’t be afraid to feel like this. But I do, and I am, and I don’t know how to beat that.
Shawn16 profile picture
How do you deal with your chronic pain
by Shawn16
Last post
February 2nd, 2023
...See more How do you deal with your chronic pain

Welcome to the Disability Support Community!

This is an inclusive community where people can seek and provide support and post about topics related to learning disabilities, chronic pain, chronic illnesses and conditions, physical disabilities and developmental disabilities. You are welcome to join in even if you don't used disabled as a label for yourself.

There are a number of ways to get involved and be supported. We have a pop up teen chatroom and a 24/7 adult chatroom.

There are guides for Chronic Pain and T2 Diabetes
There are Q&A sections for Disabilities and Chronic Pain

Members may connect with a listener who has disabilities, chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, adhd or autism listed as a topic and there are listeners with disabilities supporting people with disabilities

We encourage people to post new threads and respond to others in the forums! Some good ways to get started are to introduce yourself and to join our tag list to be notified of weekly check ins and events. We also have an Interview Series: if you would be open to sharing more about yourself and want to be interviewed.

Looking to be even more activity in the Disability Community? Join as a leader!

*Note we are inclusive of all disabilities but ADHD and Autism each of their own communities which may be of interest to some of you.

Community Guidelines

🌟 Please be respectful of everybody's thoughts and opinions.

🌟 Don't think you are alone, so please share

🌟 Please be patient if you feel like your concern hasn't been addressed yet; we are working hard to add more leaders and supporters.

🌟 If you have any concerns, reach out to a leader or make a post.

🌟 For Listeners only - please remember that you are here to give support, if you are seeking support then please switch to your Member account.

🌟 Most of all - don't forget to be awesome! You are loved and accepted here, no matter what!

Guidelines For Using AI 

We all want the Disability Support Community to be a safe place where people are able to be their authentic selves and receive support. We understand that AI tools can be helpful in reducing barriers, allowing people to better express themselves, and allowing those with some disabilities to be able to read, write, and post, but excessive, or complete use of AI can feel robotic and reduce supportive person-to-person interactions. It can also lead to false impressions of the poster. We want to try and avoid this and help our Community to be as inclusive and as welcoming as possible to all users.

What is AI?

AI is short for ‘artificial intelligence’ which is software, a program or algorithm that works to sort, order, and combine data to give a response or answer to a question or input. Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer, software, or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks that are commonly associated with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason. As yet no AI’s match full human flexibility over wider domains or in tasks.

Some of the most common examples of AI in use today include: 

  • ChatGPT: Uses large language models (LLMs) to generate text in response to questions or comments posed to it. 

  • Google Translate: Uses deep learning algorithms to translate text from one language to another. 

  • Netflix: Uses machine learning algorithms to create personalized recommendation engines for users based on their previous viewing history. 

  • Tesla: Uses computer vision to power self-driving features on their cars.

If using AI tools please adhere to the following:

  • Include some of your own personal expression. This could come from a detailed, personal prompt to the AI tool or include some of your own words with a post.

  • Cite which AI tool(s) you used, which applies both to AI-generated and AI-edited text as well as images too. For instance, if you use Dragon to voice type then say so and if the text is AI-edited include that fact too.

  • Avoid posting misinformation. AI sometimes creates personalized anecdotes, facts, or references. If you are sharing an experience, don’t post an AI-fabricated one. If posting information check that it is correct and aligns with trustworthy sources.

  • Cite the source of your information. It can be important to know and understand the source of information posted, AI-generated content may draw information from their database so try and use factual sites that can be checked and that aren’t misleading.

  • Don’t make threads in excess. AI can make it fairly quick to create a lot of content. We want to give everyone’s posts a chance to be seen. Please don’t post a large amount of threads in a short period of time, this is called ‘flooding’ and can prevent other posts from being seen.

  • If you do feel like there’s a lot you want to state on one topic, consider making multiple posts within the same single thread. Or create your own ‘Disability Diary’ thread and post there, this will increase your visibility, and those who reply will be notified when you add another post.

  • Follow the guidelines. You are responsible for what is posted from your account, even if AI was used in the creation of the post, so please double-check what you write and post!

For more information please read this post by @Heather225 - 7 Cups Community Director.

Do’s ✅  and  ❌ Don’t List:

Do - Humanize your post with your own expression and words

Do - Cite the AI tool(s) you use

Do - Make ONE thread and post to it if there are several posts you want to make

Do- Read things over and ensure the guidelines are being followed

Don’t post something that is entirely AI-generated with little input from yourself

Don’t post misinformation

Don’t flood the forums with AI threads, or multiple threads

If in doubt please ask @MistyMagic  (Adults and Teens) or @AffyAvo (Adults) or consider joining the Disability Community Support Team. More information Here

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