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User Profile: mlstry4l
mlstry4l April 26th, 2015

Waiting to hear back on two apartments....waiting to hear back on a job interview.....strarting with a new therapist, psychiatrist, and group. Various appointments on how to do this while on disability. This would be the first time in five years living on my own and working. Don't know if it's too much too soon after last year having over 7 hospitalizations.

User Profile: Shanna
Shanna April 26th, 2015

It sounds like you're in the midst of a lot of waiting and uncertainty--I can see how that would be overwhelming! Are you doing anything to help yourself relax with all of these stressful changes happening all at once? I hope that you'll reach out to a listener here if you need some extra support, I'm wishing you all the best it takes so much courage to be out on your own and working towards improvements in your life. I really admire that!

User Profile: mlstry4l
mlstry4l OP April 26th, 2015

I'm supposed to be going to the gym 3 x a week and yoga once a week to destress....but can't get myself there by myself....I need a workout buddy. And so far no luck finding one.

User Profile: Shanna
Shanna April 26th, 2015

Ah, I see. It sounds as if perhaps the things that are "supposed" to relax you aren't giving you much actual relaxation! Do you have any other activities you enjoy that you're able to do on your own? Short walks around your neighborhood maybe, or reading, listening to music, sitting outside, etc?

User Profile: mlstry4l
mlstry4l OP April 27th, 2015

Yes...actually I live on a river and love sitting outside on the deck! I also lovemusic...was actually a music major way back when....never finished. Always looking for some good suggestions? And I make jewelry and knit. I think the reason they push the working out so much is because I get so much satisfaction from it when I can get myself to do it and my goal is to lose 40lbs.

User Profile: Shanna
Shanna April 27th, 2015

That sounds so nice! I love sitting by the river, too. Music suggestions, hmm. When I'm looking to relax, I usually listen to a lot of quiet jams e.g. Iron and Wine, The Weepies, The Decemberists, Rilo Kiley. What are some of your favorites? Did you play any instruments when you were studying at school?

And I see, that's a pretty lofty goal--it definitely is easier to accomplish such endeavors with a buddy for encouragement. I'm not able to be that buddy in the sense that I can't go to the gym with you or out for a run, but I'd be happy to be a long distance pal if you ever want to shoot me a PM, maybe we can work on it together :)

User Profile: mlstry4l
mlstry4l OP April 27th, 2015

I'm Megan btw. And yes I played the clarinet...studied the piano...attempted the trumpet but still had braces at the time so that didn't work out to

I like Natalie Grant, Carrie Underwood, Superchick, 3 Doors Down, AlanisMorissetteto name a few. Haven't heard of the ones you liked...will have to look them up....always looking for new music.

I would shoot you a PM but don't know how...

User Profile: Shanna
Shanna April 27th, 2015

Nice to meet you Megan! It sounds like you were pretty diverse with your musical talents, that's awesome! Do you still play from time to time? And to send a PM, if you'd like, you just click on my name which will take you to my profile, and then click "leave an offline message"!

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User Profile: mlstry4l
mlstry4l OP April 30th, 2015

did you get my PM?

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User Profile: hechen011
hechen011 April 27th, 2015

That sounds incredible and so admirable of you. I certainly don't think it can be too much for you; the hardest part to me, I think isjust applying and trying and putting yourself out there and through that anticipatory period (I was so, SO beyond stressed while apartment hunting last week. I feel your pain). It's that 'what if' that can drive you nuts. But once you get the final verdict, yes or no, it's a lot easier to deal with than that limbo before. But congratulations! These are wonderfully big steps and I really really hope they work out!

User Profile: mlstry4l
mlstry4l OP April 27th, 2015

The anticipatory period is definitely the worse and they sure don't make it easy around here. Everything's drawn out weeks. I feel myself get more and more down. It's like hurry up and tell me one way or another already! I REALLY need to practice patience. Congrats on your apt by the way! It's an exciting but scary step each time.

User Profile: mlstry4l
mlstry4l OP April 27th, 2015

Anyone have suggestions on upbeat music to listen to while working out...maybe that'll get me going?!?wink